3 - Out.

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       "I TOLD YOU, ONE MORE SCREW UP AND YOU'RE OUT." My father screamed with another beer in hand. I don't exactly know what I did to make him this upset. He picked up a broken bottle and threw it at me. It hit my arm and cut it pretty badly. "You have five minutes to get your stuff." He growled. I ran upstairs, clinging to my arm, to get my belongings. I grabbed clothes, my laptop, phone, and a few other things. I shoved it all in my backpack and ran downstairs, hoping to grab the keys to the car.

I wasn't happy stealing my dad's car, but he'd just end up staying at home or asking his friends for a ride. I got into the car and drove off, no specific direction. Then I realized my arm was still bleeding. "Nick." I whispered to myself, pulling out my phone and calling my brother. "Nick, he kicked me out this time. I got cut pretty bad, too." I said immediately when he picked up. "Come to my house, June." He said. "Who's that, Nicky?" A voice said in the background.

 It wasn't Deliah. 

"Alright. What's the address?" I asked as he told me where to go.

     I pulled up to the house closer to midnight. Nick opened the door as I got out of the car. "Oh my God, June, what did you do?" He said, running towards me. "Wait one second, I'll go get bandages." He said, running back inside. I walked up to the door and I just barely saw a shadow slip into one of the rooms.

"You can stay here for as long as you need, June. You are my sister, after all." Nick said as I set my bag down. "Auntie June, what happened?" Deliah's small voice asked from the hall. "Nothing, Dels. Go back to bed." Nick said, "There's a spare room at the end of the hall. We use it as a storage room, but there's a bed and a dresser in there." 

"Thanks again, Nick. I really appreciate it." I said, hugging my brother tight.

{353 words. I promise Springtrap will be in the next part. Hope you're enjoying}

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