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Maggie Shelby, Steve Rogers, and the Howling Commandos had spent two years touring through Europe. Together they killed Hydra soldiers and destroyed bases till they turned to dust. They more recognition Maggie gained, the more respect she was given by other male soldiers.

In those two years, she fought by Steve and Bucky's sides and helped led them to victory. With her sword, she killed Nazi's left and right, splitting right through them in one swift motion. Just like Steve's shield, Maggie's sword was made of vibranium and unlike him she gave the sword a name. Ragnell, a name no one accept her understood, named after a divine sword from the lore of Tellius.

The more the war went on, the more Maggie wished for it to end. She enjoyed fighting with her friends, but she was ready to final settle down. To start a family with Bucky, the man she loved. Steve, Peggy, and the Howling Commandos were the only ones who knew about their secret marriage at the London chapel two years prior.

Maggie and Bucky decided to go ahead and get married, but have an actual wedding when the war was over. And when it was over she wouldn't be Maggie Shelby anymore. She wouldn't be just Agent Liberty either, but Maggie Barnes.

Two years of fighting led to that current day. Maggie and the Howling Commandos were on a snowy cliff in Austria. The team was waiting for a train carrying Arnim Zola. Bucky and Maggie both were nervous about the mission, but she was excited to go down the zip line. Although if things didn't work it would've led to her demise.

"Remember when I Amadeus you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" Bucky asked Steve as the trio peered of the snowy mountain.

"Yeah and I threw up?" Steve clarified, making Maggie give a soft laugh.

"And then I laughed the entire time? Those were good times," Maggie added smiling.

"This isn't payback, is it?" Bucky asked Steve.

"Now, why would I do that?" Steve asked rhetorically, smirk at his best friend.

"We were right," Gave Jones said. "Dr Zola's on the train. Hydra dispatcher gave him permission to open the throttle. Wherever he's going, they must need him bad."

"Let's get going, because they're moving like the devil," Falsworth informed the group.

"We only got about a ten second window. You miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield," Steve said to everyone.

"Mind the gap," James then told them.

"Better get moving, bugs!" Dum Dum said, making Maggie chuckle.

Steve, Bucky, Maggie, and Gabe zip lines down onto the rain on Dernier's signal. Her fists clenched tight on the handlebars until she jumped on top of the train. She landed inches away from Bucky and followed after him and Steve, Gabe behind her.

Gabe had a separate mission of his own, so it was just the trio. Following Steve's lead, Maggie and Bucky went down a small set of stairs. The blonde was the first to enter open door of the train car. Maggie and Bucky entered last, him closing the door him shut. Silently, the trio walked down the car. Maggie held up her gun while Ragnell rested on her back in its sheath. Steve held up his shield while Bucky held up his rifle.

The train was quiet. Too quiet for Maggie's taste. All three of them knew it was too suspicious to ignore. Steve led through the archway until the doors closed shut. Maggie and Bucky were together in the car they first entered while Steve was in the car ahead of them. The couple shot at Hydra soldiers coming their way. They both hid behind the metal crates to reload their weapons.

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