Battle of the Pranks

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Narrator: As always, feel free to leave suggestions for what to do in the comments! And without further ado, commence the nonsense!

(Stink and Stonk set up a table near their house)

Stonk: Now, all we need is a judge!

Stink: Yeah! But who will be it? (He spots a young man in spectacles walking down the road) Hey, you!

Young Man (Sylvie): Uh, what is it? Who are you?

Stink: We're hosting a competition on who can pull the biggest prank, and we need a judge! Would you be interested?

Sylvie: Yeah, why not? I don't have much to do today, except for a midnight appointment, so yes, I guess!

Stink: Perfect! Hey, Stonk! We have our judge!

Stonk: Perfect! Now, let's get ready for it!

(Flash Forward to on the beach)

Sylvie: Hello there, everyone! Are you ready for the BATTLE OF THE PRANKS?!

(A bunch of kids cheer)

Percy: I'm a bit concerned for their well being... (She sips her pink lemonade)

Meryl: Me too.... (She awkwardly sips the sour lemonade, trying not to flinch) I just hope they clean up the mess afterward...

Sylvie: I am your host, Sylvester, and let me introduce the contestants! He's wild, he's made of goo, and he's absolutely prepared for this! It's Stink!

Stink: Hello, kids!!!

Sylvie: And for our next contestant, he's the underdog himself, Stonk!

Stonk: Hi there, Stonk fans! I know you're out there! Say hi!

Sylvie: Now, you guys are gonna have to try to make something that looks like food, but isn't edible! And you're gonna have to make it so the audience is fooled! All your supplies are in front of you, and you will have ten minutes! Starting, NOW!!!!

(Stink and Stonk begin making their pranks)

Percy: Hmm... I feel like we are gonna be here for a while...

Meryl: You don't say... Percy, why are you here? It's your day off; just do something a bit more fun!

Percy: I am. I'm making sure these kids don't break the law. That's fun! And also productive! I must protect these kids at all costs. That is my job, after all.

(Howie nods)

Howie: Glad someone is doing their goddamn job around here...

Percy: Oh! Hi there, Howie! How have you been?

Howie: Been doing great. I was just going over to the store to buy some honey for my worker bees... (he looks over at Meryl) Hey there, Meryl. You doing your goddamn job?

Meryl: Yes, I am. It's hard to do that while drinking sour lemonade though... I need a palate cleanser...

Howie: Hm... (He digs around in his toolbox and takes out a Honeyed Snack. He gives it to Meryl) Would this help?

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