Introduction! (Plus other stuff)

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Narrator: So, yeah! This is basically my attempt at making at making an Epithet fanfiction, I guess! Most people would start off with the basic rules, but I'd thought that would be boring as hell, so I'm letting the characters do the honors instead! Take it away, Molly!

Molly: Oh! You want me to talk? Umm... okay... so, I'm Molly Blyndeff... I'm the main protagonist of Epithet Erased! Also, I run a toy store!

Giovanni: Actually-

(Sylvie elbows Giovanni)

Sylvie: Giovanni.... no spoilers! What if they didn't see PoP? It'll ruin their experience!

Percy: Exactly! Besides, this is an introduction. You need to introduce yourself.

Giovanni: Okay, umm... sorry... I'M GIOVANNI POTAGE!!!!! THE GREATEST VILLAIN OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!

Sylvie: (sulks, then stands up proudly) I'm Dr. Sylvester Ashling! I'm a psychologist! I'm also not a villain!

Giovanni: Yeah! Sucks that you're just a little kid!

Sylvie: I'M NOT A KID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Molly: Guys, come on... can we continue with the intro?

(Giovanni and Sylvie stare at each other scornfully)

Percy: Agreed. I'm Detective Percival King. I'm a part of the Sweet Jazz Police Force. My job is to take down criminals like YOU.

(She points her REAL-ASS GODDAMNED SWORD at Giovanni Potage)

Giovanni: Uhhh.....

Molly: It's not just us who will be in the story though!

Giovanni: Yep! I wish it was just me and Bear Trap though! Afterall, she's my number one minion!

Molly: Aw, thanks boss!

Sylvie: Other people in the Epithet Erased universe will also be used! Like... Mera... and Indus... and Ramsey...

Percy: Of course. However, coming up with prompts is harder than you think...

Narrator: I would know.

Molly: Which is why we need your help! Give us something cool for us to do, like a parody!

Giovanni: Or a secret heist!!!

Percy: (Gives Giovanni a scornful look as if she's saying, "I'm not mad, just disappointed") Or... maybe we can just do something mundane, like running a lemonade stand or walking near the beach.

Giovanni: Also, we aren't gonna do anything... explicit... Looking at you, cowboy.

(Zora peeks out from a bush)

Zora: Can I say the f word?

Narrator: It'll probably be censored.

Zora: Well, I don't f*cking care! I'm gonna say it anyway!

Sylvie: Shut up, Zora.

Percy: Now, with that said!

Molly: Let's start with the insanity!

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