Nezuko Dream Universal Hop #2 (MHA 1/5)

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Nezuko POV

After 2 days when i got that dream i never stop on thinking about it even though i already said that my would not think about it anymore i even didn't sleep for 2 days after that

Then then i decided to forget about it and just go to sleep but i readied myself if it never happens again

I then close my eyes and sleep

I then woke up in a beach it was full of trash and this time unlike last time it was night

I decided to stay there until i wake up but then after a few hours i saw 2 people came one is really buff guy and the other one is a kid that is a stick compared to the other guy

The buff guy then said to the kid to try move a giant piece of metal the green haired boy then tried but the metal didn't move an inch

The buff man then made a speech then crush in entire refrigerator with some force that the stuff around was sent flying

I was amaze of the buff man's strength i wish i can be that strong so can help fight demons better i then went to the other side of the beach with full of trash and stared kicking some metal with my weakest kick don't ask why i just don't have anything else to do

I then thought of what the buff man did and then i look at my fist then look at a piece of metal then stared to punch the metal again and again until my fist bleed it wasn't a problem though am a demon i can regenerate and it really didn't hurt so i just continue

While i was punching giant piece of metal i just realize how big my punches is compared to my kick well i do always use my kicks to crashing demons head that is as hard on a boulder or a large peace of iron so it's makes sense that make kicks is stronger than my punches

I continue on punching the metal for 5 hours it's already day time and the sun is warm and the metal already have multiple holes on it i can fell that my fist is a lot to tougher then before i haven't really use my full strength on my base form but i do have this thing that my strength increase in a very fast rate and also adopt really quick soo yeah

I then heard a voice

"How long are you planning to punch that" The man said

I then turn around and saw the buff man i think that kid called him "All Might" now that i look at him i can now sense his presence and it's really strong i haven't encounter someone with this much power before his aura say how strong he is and i can say he is stronger then the hashiras but his aura have this warm feeling that make someone feel safe so i wasn't scared or anything

I haven't really pay attention on my surroundings when i started punching the metal so i haven't really notice he was there

"Uhh until i get tired i guess" I replied with a awkward laugh

"You still not tired you've been punching that for 5 hours now your hand probably feel in pain now" All Might said

"No not at all it didn't even heart to the slightest" i said

"Alright but why are you punching it anyways" All might ask

"No reason i just don't have anything else to do" i reply

"Just don't have anything else to do that's it?" He ask

I respond with a nod and then saw some blood in the metal that he didn't realize until now

(Is that blood i haven't realize it was there is it from that girl but she said she didn't feel a thing but why is there blood in that metal?) All Might have so meany questions running to his head

I then went decided to punch this metal as hard as i can then it sent flying and my hand didn't even bleed i guess my hand did got tougher

All Might that only came back to his senses saw it and was shock

(She is really strong for her age she is not even as old as young Midoriya) he thought

And by the way Nezuko is in her 12 years old form

"Wow your really strong for your age young uhhh what's your name?" All Might said

"Nezuko... Nezuko Kamado" i said

Total Words: 771

As you guys see nezuko well be staying in the MHA verse for 5 ep it's because she needed to train first before i send her to the next verse

And before you ask yes Nezuko well be going back to the Naruto verse soon because i think her visit to that verse is a little bit to short and she needs to learn how to use chakra and jutsus

And as i mention in the first part i might make a entire different book that is related or similar to this story but i well change the plot because it well be boring if her encounter with the characters would be the same so yeah

The reason why am making separated book that is related to this is because i well skip what ever Nezuko is doing in her own verse so we won't be seeing her fight a demon using all the things she learn from the other world that is why i well make a separated book

Alright one question what well be the title of the book? Can you help me with that because i am out of idea of any title

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