Nezuko Dream Universal Hop #2 (MHA 4/5)

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No One POV

When Nezuko got back to the 2 All Might then ask

"Hay young Kamado that style of fighting was that swordsmanship?" All Might ask

"Yeah it's a type of swordsmanship that require the breathing technique or should i say the concentration breathing the one i use is the water style" Nezuko said

"Is that so and is there more style" All Might ask

"Ohh there are meany style like wind, thunder, flower and more i don't know the breathing patterns of most of them but i know a couple" Nezuko said

"So each of those styles requires different breathing patterns?" All Might ask

"Yeah you are ri-" Before Nezuko can what she was about to say she felt that there where multiple people watching them

"Uhh young Kamado are you ok" All Might said

Nezuko then took a piece of metal then throw it as hard as she can in her base to the direction of one of people who where watching them sending him flying

The others then came out it was around 15 of them

(As i expected 3 of them have the presence equal to a Uppermoon 5 while the rest only have a presence as strong as a lowermoon 5 to 6 they would be easy to deal with but the problem is those 3 but All Might presence are more stronger so we can still win this) Nezuko said to her thoughts

All Might transform to his buff form

"Midoriya-san stay behind" Nezuko said and midoriya did Nezuko still have the metal stick so she prepared to fight using it

"Never thought we well be spotted by a little girl" One of them said

"Who are you" All Might said

"We.. We are just a bunch of villain that is here to eliminate you" One of them said

"You guys are trying to eliminate All Might? You guys are not even as strong as him combine even i can give you a good fight i a 1v1" Nezuko said

"Are you underestimating us" One of them said

"Not really but i can sense how powerful you guys are and you guys are strong i have to admit but compered to All Might you guys are nothing" Nezuko said

"I well make you eat those words" One of them said

"You can try but it won't happen" Nezuko said

"Why you little we well kill them all and i well be the one who personally cut off your limbs" One of them said

"Is that so i have to warn you even if you cut my limbs i won't die that is real and stop hiding the rest of your team and get them out here or i will personally hunt them off myself" Nezuko said while a bunch of people started to appear

(She mange to sense all of them young Kamado is truly amazing) All Might said to himself

"You don't need to worry about us All Might you can go and beat them up i can easily fight off most of them except of those 3 so make sure to not get them get to us" Nezuko said

"Are you sure about that young Kamado" All Might said

"Positive and trust me am strong enough to protect Midoriya-san while you beat them up" Nezuko said then All Might nod and charge towards the main 3 while knocking out the ones in his way with one punch

Some then went towards Nezuko and Midoriya but Nezuko easily knock them out using her metal stick and using 3rd form of water breathing water dance Nezuko even broke some of there bones

All Might and the 3 where fighting but All Might was quickly overpowered them

While more people stared to come to our direction but i easily knock them out using water breathing

(Am really knocking them out by only using an unperfect water breathing and a metal stick) Nezuko said to herself

More then came but again am just knocking them out with no problem with a metal stick but this time not using water breathing

All Might finished dealing with 2 of the 3 but before he could finish the 3rd one more villains came and hold All Might up while the 3rd boss went straight to Nezuko and Midoriya

(If we can't kill All Might then i well just have to kill those 2 kids) He said to himself while charge him self towards the 2 kids

Nezuko got busy on the villains that she didn't pay attention to the surroundings so she did not realize that one of the boss was coming to there direction

Midoriya then thought that he was only getting in the way find a perfect time to leave and when he did his sprint out but he did not realize that one of the boss was going straight at him

Nezuko who knock the last villain that was near her saw this and was about to confront one of the boss but was interrupted by someone villains

(No i can't save Midoriya if this guys are on the way) Nezuko said to herself then she got a idea there is a chance to Midoriya wouldn't be able to do it but she have no other choice


Midoriya who heard this then took a deep breath and put all his strength in his leg then run away 2x faster than his normal speed he was shock but keep on running the villain that was chasing gave up and turn around

(He didn't manage to use it but the boost he got it was enough for him to get out no that I don't have to worry about him anymore... I can focus on defeating one of the boss) Nezuko said to herself

Story's Total Words: 1000

A perfect 1k words💀
And am not even joking

Well next part is the last part of ep 2 and the last part of Nezuko being in the MHA verse i might send her here again in the future who knows

So i was thinking of sending Nezuko to a game verse and am thinking of leaving her there for maybe 10 to 15 parts to increase her IQ and survival and fighting skills what do you guys think about that

Well whatever you guys decide i will do it and see you guys next time bye

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