Nezuko Dream Universal Hop #2 (MHA 5/5)

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No One POV

Midoriya already got out Nezuko can now go all out because now she don't have to worry on protecting someone while fighting

Nezuko then look at one of the leader of the group and he ordered them to go and hold All Might while he face Nezuko

"Now let's see if you can really give me a good fight" He said

"Ohh Don't worry i well and please don't hold back so i also can't hold back" Nezuko said with a smile

He then dash towards Nezuko using his strength quirk it was only for his strength he was still like a regular human

(He has the strength equal to an upper 5 but he doesn't have the speed to be compered to a lowermoon) Nezuko said to herself

He then delivered a punch that Nezuko dodge

"I have to admit that you are stronger then me.... But that is useless if you can't even land a hit" Nezuko said with a creepy smile

Nezuko then send a punch to the villain and the villain counter it with his own punch they stared to exchange blows and ofc Nezuko was overpowering the villain because of her overall speed

"Damn you haven't even land a single hit how are you going to win am curious to know" Nezuko said with a smirk

(I am really loving acting like Muichiro-kun it's so badass) Nezuko said on her thoughts

"Don't underestimate me you brat am stronger then you" He said

"Ohh no am not i actually agree you are stronger then me... But being stronger well not always give you the victory i mean you can't even land a hit so even if you are stronger as long as i don't get hit by your attack i well be fine" Nezuko said with a smirk "But it's like that it well only one punch to beat me anyways you need to hit a ton of times before you can take the victory" Nezuko said with a sweet smile

"What do you mean that i need to hit you a ton of times before i can beat you? Are you really underestimating me you little brat" he said

"Ohh no am truly not it's just that i have a healing factor as long as i have energy i well keep on regenerating so it's not that easy to beat me" Nezuko said with the most innocent smile

(This kid is no ordinary kid his physically strong incredibly fast and has a healing factor and she is also really skilled at fighting and what is this girls quirk anyways) He said in his thoughts

The man then charge towards Nezuko and tried to Punch her that Nezuko dodge and then delivered a very powerful kick that send the man back flying a bit he then recovered and charge towards Nezuko once more

Nezuko then pick the iron stick that he drop earlier then she jump really high while the villain stop charging towards her and wait for her to land so he can punch her

All Might that was already done with the other villain saw that Nezuko jump high with her metal stick place in her shoulder

(Is she going to use that technique that she use earlier?) All Might said in his thoughts and with full curiosity he just stayed back and see what happens

"Water breathing 5th form" Nezuko said and use the 5th form and when he hit the villain

"Blessing Rain After The Drought" she said after she hits him but the man did not feel anything he was really relaxed but a really loud crack can be heard and he was slowly collapsing and went unconscious

All Might in the back was shock because he could hear the cracking bones from that far

(Yup i was right that technique was dangerous and i didn't hear that guys scream in pain it kind of feels like he went unconscious painlessly or was the attack that strong that he didn't have the time to scream and went unconscious immediately) All Might said in his thoughts but he agree in one thing don't mess with her or you well be seen in the hospital without you know when what happened

Midoriya then came back because he saw that the fight was over

Some time pass a couple of police came and arrest the villains and took one of then to the hospital💀

The sun was already down so All Might and Midoriya went home

Nezuko stayed in there for 20 days before she went back to her world with all those times she has been training Midoriya how to fight and how to use his breathing

She always say that anytime soon she might leave to them so once she got back to her world they though that this is probably what she was talking about

When Nezuko wake up she saw his brother still in the same position just laying down

(And when she look at the clock it only pass 20 minutes when she sleep

(So 1 day is a minute here huh) She thought to her self then went out to try something

She took a wooden sword and took a battle stance and took a deep breath and stared to use the 3rd form of water breathing Water Dance and she was shock because she mange to use it

She then went out in the mansion and went to a quite far distance she saw 5 boulders she then went there and punch it and it was destroyed

She was shock and went to another one and kick it and it went flying to the other side of the area

She was again shock then went back to the butterfly mansion to sleep again and see what happens

Story's total words: 975

Alright the ep 2 is finally done i can now take a rest on this one for now and make a one shot that would probably take a while

And also write something in my other books

Well i have decided what verse am going to send Nezuko next and it's a game verse because why not and again like what i said in the last chapter this is to increase her IQ and survival & fighting skills even farther

Well that is all for now i hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you guys next time

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