Part 3: Death Rate

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Dear Diary,

In a memory of time and another story that breaks me. while I was in grade two, my world became a ball of fire fussing with water, mentioning I was being maltreated and no one believes so I started wanting to kill myself when I tried this for the first time on a Tuesday and I could feel my body Trimble's and a steal desk press against my heart and my soul was ready to leave my body but a voice shut in concern don't do that child if you do that you will be going to hell but with my mind flashing back at what happened to me. I just didn't care so I continued to press the desk against my wounded body then my eyes keep flickering as if the light was bothering them. A hand from a light came out and hold me and I finally understand and I was saved.

Try to believe, even if you feel lost.

P.s Everyln Park

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