Part 8: kiss and tell

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Dear Diary,
It's me again and I am in grade eight these boys are Cherry and Ice but I am back with an old friend after forgiving him I realized it was right to forgive but wrong to let him in. There are times when we were silly and now are those times. I play true or dare for the first time and at first it was funny until I have to kiss the boy who broke my heart and was pissed off and he was laughing thinking he wouldn't agree with it but he didn't after that kiss I never speak to him again and I was back to ignoring him. However, grade boys were back and he tried to talk wanted my number and I refuse but he got it anyway as me one and I give her thinking she was going to text me but he did instead and he begged and pleaded but I didn't have it then I give him a chance and for a year it lasted but it ends with a bad argument and I tell more on that in grade nine-story.

Life is amazing just don't give up on love but don't let hurt in.

P.S Everyln Park

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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