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The cold air of the night entered Kimhan's lungs as he strolled through the city streets. The breeze was cool; cool enough to clear his head from any unwanted thoughts that has been disturbing his peace for these past few months. The city lights were bright; dancing lights from the traffic made it brighter and Kimhan was all alone walking.

It was a shitty day; no, everyday was already a shitty day since that dream that he had. Kimhan became more irritable, sensitive on the spot. He felt hurt but he doesn't know the reason why. He felt so lost but he doesn't know how to go back to where he was.

Days, weeks, and months have passed.

Right now, he doesn't care; he doesn't care if people started to recognize him as the singer Wik. He doesn't care if people see him smoking while walking in the busy streets. He is a freaking adult now; he's not that same boy-next-door sweetheart anymore.

'Why can't I remember his face anymore?'

Kimhan sighed with so much defeat as he throws his cigarette on the ground and stomped on it.

'This isn't funny anymore.' He thought to himself.

Really. It's not funny when you suddenly forget the person that always visits in your dreams. And it's not really funny when they left a hole in your heart; a void that felt like the blackhole already consuming the sanity that is left within you.

He continued walking through the streets that is seemingly alive in the middle of the night. Well, it's Friday, what would he expect? Bars are open and filled with office workers drinking their hearts out because of stress in work; students who are letting out some steam because of the deadlines they are dealing in the school and lovers, that Kimhan bitterly cursed the hell out of them in his mind.

And then he got him questioning his own self.

"Why do I have zero luck in love?"

He then laughed with so much disappointment and irritatingly brushed his fingers through his hair. He wanted to vent out his frustration. He wanted to sing. And the next thing was he's already settled in the stage of a small bar in front of the crowd who were all seemingly surprised because the 'Wik' is right in front of their eyes.

"Hey, good evening everyone. Mind if I sing you a song? Well, actually this is a new one so you guys will be hearing it first. I hope you'll like it. This song is called 'Lucid'."

He then picked up the guitar sitting in the stand and started to sing that really captured every heart inside the bar.

Won't you miss the nights we drifted afar

And knew we would find a place in the stars for two

Taking you to dance in the sky

The nights you would be beside me

Your lips to mine

Nothing could compare

But every star's light

Waits for you in the dark tonight

I know that nothing ever lasts even the good things

If we chase the past, we can only dream

But while it's still Lucid, I'll drown in

Before daylight breaks us at the seams

Before the night ends, all just a dream

Before all the memories start to fade

Just think back one last time to the nights like these

Before you're gone and...

Before daylight breaks us at the seams

Before the night ends, all just a dream

I just want to hold onto those nights like lucid dreams

Pretending we're still asleep

Before you're gone and wake from me

After singing his song, Kimhan felt like the heavy feeling was lifted from his shoulders. It felt like he could breath again and his mood lightened a bit. Music really makes the world better; that's what he always thought and that's what keeping him love music more.

Kimhan looked at the crowd; most of them holding their phones out, taking some pictures and videos of him. He smiled making the girls inside the bar squeal like teenagers and the guys, they are no exemptions; they were also mesmerized by 'Wik'.

'At least I'm feeling a bit better now.'

He went out of the bar to get some air and settled in one of the alleys in the city. The people inside were requesting another song but he politely refused it, saying his manager will scold him if he'll spoil another one from his upcoming album.

Kimhan got a pack of cigarettes out of his right pocket and put one on his mouth. These days, he's been smoking a lot even though he knows that it's not good for his health as a singer. But what can he do? He's been so stressed out lately.

Kimhan was about to light his cigarette when suddenly, he heard a familiar voice coming not far from where he is standing. It was that voice from his dreams. Kimhan is sure of it.

He immediately ran out of the alley where he was standing and there he finally saw him; that face that has been appearing in his dreams.

And he was there; walking and laughing with his friends. Kimhan felt like his world stopped; everything stopped and the only thing that mattered right now is his laughter, his voice that felt like a melody, a symphony that keeps playing in Kimhan's head; bringing him joy, making him realize what he is longing for.

Kimhan wanted to call him, to get his attention, but he cannot. Instead, he felt a little tug on his finger, his pinky finger. And when he took a glance, he noticed that there was a red string tied in his pinky. Then his eyes followed where the other was that made him smile. He doesn't believe in such things; Kimhan doesn't believe in destiny, but now, maybe he'll change his mind.

He is getting far; he is walking away from him, again. So, the next thing Kimhan does was to pull that string. He doesn't care if other people can see it or not. The only thing that he cares about now was to get his attention.

And Porchay felt it. He then looked back and there he saw him; with eyes that were sparkling through the lights; that jet-black hair almost covering his face; and the way he is catching his breath while running towards him; all of it, Porchay misses all of it.

"You found me."

As Kimhan caged Porchay in a tight embrace, the younger one was already crying. He misses him; he misses Kimhan so much that he almost lost all his hope of waiting; waiting for him to find him; waiting for him to remember him; and waiting for him to finally have his lost soul back into his arms again.

"I've waited for you." Porchay said to Kimhan that almost sounded like a whine. "You're late."

"I'm sorry angel, your Grim reaper was late."

Porchay pulled back just enough to see Kimhan's face. He cupped both of his cheeks with his hands just to still the man in front of him. Oh, to see his face again was like giving the drought its long-awaited rain. To be in his arms again was like getting one with you bed after a long day.

"You're finally here Kimhan."

"Yes angel. I'm finally here."


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