Chapter 14 - My Oxygen

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Trigger Warnings:
~ Explicit language

Isabella's PoV <3

Teo takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor, which is a raised platform of wooden decking in the left of the marquee. Strings of contrasting, black bunting are woven around the surrounding wooden pillars in the shapes of Mafia symbols.

My heels click against the wooden floor as we climb the small set of stairs. There's already at least two dozen couples dancing in long rows, a slow song playing faintly in the background.

Teo comes to a hault in an empty spot on the dance floor and turns to face me.
His eyes follow mine and I struggle to swallow the lump in my throat.

I can't dance.

My Mamá insisted on dance lessons when I was younger, but as soon as I turned eight years old, my father forbid them. Him and Mamá used to argue about it every night, and it was often an excuse for several hours of punishment.

Dancing involves expressing your feelings through emotions. Neither of which I'm an expert at.

Teo intertwines one of his hands with mine, the other resting on my waist. "Just relax, and lower your shoulders." He tells me in a softer voice, sensing my nervousness.

I do as he says and let out a deep breath. My feet find the rhythm of the music and I let him guide me through the growing mass of people.

The lights inside the marquee are dimmed, so there are only a few subtle orange strobe lights and candles being used. The top of the marquee has been opened, revealing the bright moon and hundreds of dancing stars.

"Ti ho mai detto quanto sei bella da togliere il fiato?" He whispers so the surrounding people can't hear. Unfortunately, I don't speak Italian and still can't understand what he's saying.
["Have I ever told you how breath-takingly beautiful you are?]

"English, please?" I ask him with an annoyed smile, and he smirks. He spins my body round in time to the beat of the music. "Seriously Teo, what did you say?"

He reaches both of his arms down around my waist, interlocking his fingers behind my back. I do the same around the back of his neck so our bodies are almost pressed together.

"I said you're a very pretty girl, Issy." My heart flutters at the new nickname and I want to stay here forever. I feel so safe with his arms around me.

I rest my forehead against his shoulder as we rock gently backwards and forwards. We stay like this, intertwined together, for what feels like hours.

It gives me time to accept the fact that I'm getting married. And I don't mind it, I got pretty lucky. Most girls get used and ignored during arranged marriages, but at least Teo acts like he cares.


The song comes to an end and I follow Teo out of the dimly lit marquee into the darkness. The moonlight is the only thing allowing me to follow in his footsteps, treading carefully on the uneven grass.

He stays a few paces in front of me until we reach the gentle glow of candlelight.

We're on a small bridge in the gardens, a stream trickling loudly beneath us. Roses brush along my arms, their sharp thorns leaving a comforting stinging pain behind.

Candles have been lit on either side of the bridge which provide a faint glow. I can just about see Teo's face in the darkness, his eyes watching me out of curiosity.

"It's beautiful." I breathe, unable to take my eyes off of my surroundings.

"I know." Teo says into the darkness, but his eyes don't leave mine. There's a smile playing on my lips that not even my father himself could destroy.

Blush creeps up my neck and warmth floods my cheeks. I've never felt stronger in my life than I do right now.

Teo clears his throat before reaching into his back pocket. "I know this isn't a typical marriage but... I thought you should have this."

He brings out a small, black box and flips open the lip. Inside is a beautiful silver ring, with crystals embedded in the metal. A small diamond sits in the centre, held in place by twisting branches of metal.

"It was the engagement ring my father bought for my mother, before she passed away." He spoke softly, unlike I have ever heard him before.

He clasps my hand in his and slides the ring up my fourth finger. "Teo... you didn't have to do that." I almost whisper, my heart hurting at the thought of him losing the last piece of his mother.

He shrugs and looks away, his eyes following the stream to hide his expression. "It once belonged to the most important woman in my life, and now it does again."

The smile on my face must be reaching from ear to ear. I don't know what to say or do, so instead I just stare down at the beautiful ring on my finger.

"Thank you." My voice is shaky as I look up at him. His eyes look down at me curiously and I'm not nervous around him anymore. He's provided me with a type of safety I've never felt before in my life.

Acting on complete impulse, I reach my arms around his neck and pull my lips towards his. They connect in a moment of ecstacy, and he secures his arms gently around my neck and jawline.

Our tongues fight for dominace as the intensity increase. The oxygen has been stolen from my lungs but I don't care anymore.

Oxygen is the only thing keeping the human body from collapsing. It is a necessity. We would all be dead without it.

Teo is my oxygen.


Word count: 1612

Hey guys, a lot of people have been rude and irritated in the comments of my story because I didn't post yesterday, as the chapter wasn't completed.

I do understand that it is frustrating, so I am doing it this afternoon instead because I simply forgot last night, and was out spending time with my boyfriend.

All wattpad authors have other things going on in their lives, and unfortunately cannot keep perfectly consistent to their posting schedules. For an example, I have gymnastics training several times a week, I'm still in school five days a week, and I work seven hour job shifts at the weekends.

Writing an entire chapter takes me 4-5 hours. That's without editing, creating the outfit inspiration, and I post two chapters a week.

Most weeks, I do post consistently on Thursdays and Sundays, but if I am unable to do so, then I will post on my message board or publish the chapter the next day instead.

Thank you all for your patience, and I'm extremely glad that most of you seem to be enjoying the book so far.

Lots and lots of love, Grace x

Forced to Love (Original Version)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora