Bonus 20 - first encounter with Olympe

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Raihan walked into Alejandro's apartment, feeling a bit uneasy. He had been to the apartment before, but he had never seen Alejandro's Doberman, Olympe, up close. As he entered the living room, the dog started barking loudly and ran towards him.

"Don't worry, she's friendly. She's just excited to meet you." Alejandro said.
"I don't know if I should trust her. She looks like she could take me down with one bite."

Alejandro chuckled. "Olympe is a big softie. Here, let me show you."
Alejandro approached Olympe and gave her a command. "Sit!" The dog immediately obeyed, wagging her tail.

"See? She's well-trained. She won't hurt you."

Raihan hesitated, but eventually approached Olympe cautiously. The dog sniffed him and licked his hand.

"Okay, maybe you're right. She seems friendly."

As they spent the day together, Raihan gradually got used to Olympe's presence. The dog followed him around the apartment, occasionally nuzzling her head against his leg. By the end of the day, Raihan was completely at ease with Olympe and even found himself petting her.

"Looks like you and Olympe have become good friends!"
Raihan smiled. "Yeah, she's not so scary after all. In fact, I think I might even miss her when I leave."

"I'm glad to hear that. And hey, look at this!" Alejandro held up his phone to show Raihan a picture of the two of them sleeping on the couch, with Olympe lying on top of Raihan.

"I think this is going to be my new wallpaper. You two look so peaceful together."

Raihan blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed but also touched by the gesture.
"Thanks, Alejandro. I had a great time today."

"Anytime, Raihan. And who knows, maybe Olympe will teach you a thing or two about being tough."

They both laughed, and Raihan knew that his unexpected connection with Alejandro and Olympe was something he would treasure for a long time.

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