Talking To The Brother

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Beca's P.O.V

"I should have taken that cardio tip more seriously." Fat Amy remarked as we finished practicing our act for the competition.  

"How much have you done?" Aubrey asked. 

"You just saw it." 

"Chloe, you gotta be able to hit that last note." Aubrey told her. 

"I can't. It's impossible. And it's because of my, my nodes." She replied. 

"Well, if you can't do it, then someone else needs to solo." Aubrey stated. 

"I think Beca should take my solo." Chloe suggested.

I froze. 'Solo? Me?' I was confused but I also knew it would take a bit the get Aubrey to give in.

"Yeah, Beca would be excellent. But also, someone else might be equally as excellent."  

"It's true." I said knowing where Amy was going with this. 

"And they might be shy and not wanna come forward and say they wanted a solo." Amy finished. 

"Well, Beca doesn't want a solo, so..." Aubrey said.

"I would be happy to do it if I got to pick a new song and do an arrangement." I explained. 

"Well, that's not how we run things here." 

"Aubrey, maybe Beca has a point. Maybe we could try something new." Chloe suggested. 

"A-ca-scuse me? You can sing Turn the Beat Around and that's the last I wanna hear of this." Aubrey said raising her voice.

"That song is tired. We're not gonna win with it. If we pull samples from different genres and layer them together, we could make some-" I started but Aubrey cut me off.

"Okay, let me explain something to you because you still don't seem to get it. Our goal is to get back to the finals and these songs will get us there. So, excuse me if I don't take advice from some alt-girl with her mad lib beats, because she's never even been in competition. Have I made myself clear?" Aubrey interrupted. 

"Crystal. I won't solo." I spat out. 

"Fine. Fat Amy?" 

"Yes, sir?" 

"You'll solo." 

"Yes! Yes." Fat Amy said tracing the heart on her t-shirt while smiling. 

* * *

I groaned.

This wasn't working. I had been up for the past three hours trying to text Jacob. He hadn't talked to me for the past four days. He avoided me at work and never texted.

I couldn't figure out why though. I mean, he isn't one to get mad over me dating Jesse. maybe jealous? But knowing him he wouldn't avoid me.

I stood up and walked down the corridor to his room. I knocked on the door and Benji answered.

"Hey, is Jacob here?"

"Jacob? No, he's out with Jesse."


"Why? Do you need to talk to him?"

"Sort of."

"Well. If it's a question I can probably answer it. I know my brother better than him."


Benji nodded, "Here come in."

He opened the door wider to let me in. I walked inside and looked around. You could 100% tell that three people lived in this room. One third of the room was covered in Star wars poster, collectibles, and magician items. The second had a few car posters and one of a band. Under the bed was toolbox. The third was plainer. A few movies lined up but not much else.

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