A Normal Day

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Y/N Pov

"Mom? Im going to the arcade" I said as I opened the door to her office, she was working

"Alright, hun. Stay safe" My mom said, not even turning to look at me

"Bye" I said and went to put on my shoes

Then I headed out the door to the arcade

After some time I got to the arcade

I imediatly went to the Iceball Pro arcade game

I was really good at it. I could say arcade games are one of the only things im good at

I put some coins in and started to play

After I was done I had a pretty high score

I collected my tickets and went to another game

I then qent over to a Pac-Man arcade game, its an old one, but a classic. I inserted some coins in

I also played it until I lost and got my tickets

I looked at the time and it was pretty late

I put my tickets into my bag and as I walked out I glanced at a plushie. I almoust had enought tickets to get it

 I almoust had enought tickets to get it

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(This is how it looks like)

It costs 10,000 tickets and I almoust have them all

I walked out of the arcade and headed home

As I was walking back I saw a tall boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, he was also with a friend a brunette boy who was shorter than him

I didnt really mind him and continued on walking home

I finaly got home and walked in

"Mom! Im back!" I shouted to my mother as I entered my house. I took off my shoes before walking thurther into the house

"Alright, hun! The food is in the fridge!" She shouted back at me. She was still working in her office

I walked to the kitchen and took out some leftover pasta from the fridge

I poped the food into the microwave and waited for it to heat up, in the mean time I opened tik tok and watched some vids

When my pasta heated up I took it out and brought it to the table

I sat down and started eating while watching tik tok

My mom then walked into the kitchen, I looked at her and asked

"Is dad back?"

"No. Hes still on his work trip" She told me as she started to make herself a cup of coffee

"Of course hes still on his shitty trip.." I mummbled

"What was that?" Mom asked as she looked at me

"Of course hes still on his trip. Its not like he cares about me, he missed my 16 birthday and talent show. Hes barely even around!" I said more loudly. I was clearly upset

"Y/N! Dont say that, hes your father!" Mom said to me, raising up her voice

"Well he doesnt fucking act like it!" I said as I stood up from the table

"Y/N!" My mom shouted

"Im going to my room" I said. Picking up my plate and placing it into the sink

Before walking upstairs into my room

I shut my door and went over to my pc

I sat down and opened minecraft

I joined my single player server and continued to build my redstone mob grinder

-2 hours later-

I looked at the clock it was already 1am.

I took off my headset and turned off my pc

I went to the bathroom, cleaned up and got into my pjs

I went to my bed and hopped under the covers

After a few minutes I felt myself dozing off and I was fully asleep

Later on I woke up, but I wasnt in my room.

"Where am I?"


New chapter!

Guys, im here and with the first real chapter!

I know its short, but it tells a bit about Y/N life

The next chapter will be longer

And for today photo!

I found this on twitter some days ago

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I found this on twitter some days ago

Dont forget to eat and drink water!

Love you guys!♡


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