Its hard to come up with titles man

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~-In the dream-~

Tommys Pov

I opened my eyes to find myself laying next to a big tree in the same forrest from last time

So im pretty sure now that this is a dream

The last time I was in here I was called A fucking train by Y/N

I looked up to the tree where I saw her go to sleep last night

She wasnt there

I stood up and walked around

I notised her sitting next to the pond

"Good morning Y/N" I said to her as I walked up to her

"Oh look, Thomas the tank engine is awake" She said as she rolled her eyes at me

"Dont you know how to say good morning properly? And also thats not my name" I said to her as I sat down beside her

She then backed away a little

"First I do, but I dont get payed to be nice all the time. And second I like that name better or do you wanna be called blondie?" She asked as she looked at me

"I wanna be called by my name, which is Tommy. How would you like it if I called you mean girl?" I asked her as I looked back at her. I tilted my head a bit

"Well I would correct you, because im a fucking demigirl" She said to me, annoyed

"A what" I asked. I was a bit confused

"Demigirl. Someone who partially identifies as a girl and uses She/Them pronouns? Or to put it more simply if a man likes me, he aint fully straight" She told me a new peice of information

"Oh fuck. So if this whole time I thought you were a girl while youre half girl and half attack helicopter" I said with a smirk

Y/N was about to say some thing, but then spoke "That was actually a good description, you can be funny. Im kind of surprised"

"Om my, Y/N. I didnt know you can be nice" I said to them

"You want me to take it fucking back?" She asked with a glare

"No" I said

"Im going to look around, you stay here and make sure no kind of creature comes here" Y/N said. She stood up

"If theres creatures aint no fucking way im spliting up" I said. I also stood up and I was ready to stay near them because I dont want to die, even in a dream

"Fine, since youre a scaredy cat" They said "Lets go"

I nodded and followed her

Y/N seemed like the person who wouldnt get lost

-A few minutes later-

"I think were lost" She said as she looked at me

"Wha- WERE LOST!?" I asked

Also I take back my statement about her being a person who wouldnt get lost

"Yeah.. but dont worryyy, we will find a way back" She said. There was then a long pause before they said "Maybe.."

"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK DO WE DO NOW!?" I asked Them while shouting

"Calm the fuck down, its fine. I remember like half of the path back, if we see a rock shaped like a fucking moon then I can lead us back" They said as they walked to the direction behind me

After what felt like hours, she shouted to me


I ran to her and looked at the rock

The rock was round, not moon shaped. And I had seen this rock like 15 minutes ago

"Y/N, this isnt a moon shaped rock" I said as i pointed at the rock

"No, it is. The moon is round" They said

"I literaly saw this rock 15 minutes ago" I said, I looked at her with an annoyed expresion

She just stared at me

"So why didnt you say anythi-"


"Whatever, its not my fault youre stupid" They said as the walked off

I was annoyed by her, the rock was round!

After a few minutes we got back to the big tree

"Ill be honest with you Thomas, you suck" Thay said as they flipped me off

"You do too" I said. Y/N was even more annoying then me and I get told that im very annoying. Thats a whole new level of annoying (I say the same thing to my friends, but instead of annoying its cringe)

"At least I am fucking usefull for something here" They said as they sat down on the grass and layed down

"Youre kind of mean, who bit you in the ass?" I asked as I stared at her

"Life" She shortly replied

We stayed quiet for a bit

"What? Why did you go quiet? I mean everyone get bit in the ass by life some more some less" She said

I sat down next her

"Glad to know that you have a reason to be a bitch" I said to her

"Fuck yourse-"


New chapter mother fucks!!

So ye i updated

Shocking, i know

Well i like how this chapter turned out


Alssooo i have no idea what to name my title, so its that


For today funny pic!!

Should i bring back the jokes?

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Should i bring back the jokes?

Dont forget to eat something and to drink water!

Love ya yall♡


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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