That was a dream?

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Y/Ns Pov

I woke up outside, which confused me

I was laying in the grass

I slowly sat up and saw that I was in a forest, a pretty one if I have to add

I looked around as I stood up

When I fully stood up I was confused on how the hell I woke up in the forest

Did I get kidnaped and dumped me into this forest?



I then heard a scream

Now I was freaked out. Who the FUCK is screaming

I looked around and picked up a rock for protection. Because lets be honest im in a forest and someone just screamed

I walked towards the direction where I heard the scream

I know its stupid to go the direction where you heard a fucking human scream

Normal people would have ran the other direction

But im not normal

As I was walking I was looking around every second

I the stoped and hid behind a tree. I saw a human siluete on the grass, but I didint see anyone next to it

As I was looking, I felt a hand on my shoulder

I turned around to face whatever it was AND to throw the rock at it

When I did it I saw that it was a boy, he seemed my age. And I swear to goddess I have seen him somewhere else

"Ow what the fuck?!" He said as rubbed his forehead. Thats where the rock probably hit him


"Calm down woman" He said

"Thats bold of you to asume that im a girl" I said and crossed my arms

"Your not a girl?" He asked, pretty confused

"Yesnt" I said with a smile

"What" He said, he was more confused then before

"Im a demigirl" I said and flipped him off

"That explains your wierdness and why did you flip me off?" He asked

"Because I felt like it and because you scared the shit out of me" I said and glared at him

"Okay okay, im sorry for freaking you out" He said

"I dont forgive you" I said "Okay im going to look for a way out, bye stranger!"

I started to walk off, but the guy followed me!

"Why are you following me? Leave" I said as I walked to a pond I saw

"Because I dont want to get lost and be alone in a forest" He said

"Does it look like I care. No, now leave me alone" I said as I got closer to the pond

"Come on, it will be fun!" The guy kept on talking









"FUCKING DAMN IT, FINE JUST SHUT THE HELL UP" I said and sat down next to the pond

"Thank you" He said and sat beside me. When he did I scooted a bit away from him

"Im Tommy, what about you?" He asked as he looked at me

"Im Steve" I said sarcasticly

"Come on, tell me" He said

"Will you leave me alone if I do?" I ask

"Maybe?" He said with a smile

"Y/N" I said as I looked at the water

"Thank you for telling me your name even if you didnt want to" He said as he looked at the water too

"Whatever, just know that I dont like you and that im calling you Thomas the tank engine" I said and smirked at him

"Wha- WHY?" He asked very loudly

"Because why not, it suits you" I spoke and flipped him off

"You have some anger problems, I hope you know" He said

"And you talk a whole shit load, I hope you know Thomas the tank engine" I said with an annoyed smile

"Stop calling me that" He said

I was finaly getting on his nerves

"Calling you what, Thomas the tank engine?" I asked


"That what"

"The stupid name!"

"No idea what youre talking about" I said and stood up "Im going to sleep, so dont try any funny buisnes man"

"Where will you sleep" He asked as he also stood up

"Not telling" I said and walked towards a big tree

"Youll sleep under a tree?" He asked as he followed me

I got to the tree and spoke "No, im sleeping in the tree"

I then climbed up and found a spot where I knew I wouldnt fall from

"How did you get up?" Thomas the tank engine asked

"With my arms and legs. Goodnight, Thomas the tank engine" I said and got ready to sleep

"Goodnight, dumbass" He said and I have no idea where he will sleep. Im not payed to care so goodnight to me.

I then opened my eyes to find myself in my room. I quickly sat up

That was a dream?


New chapter!

Holy mother fucking shit. Im finaly back after who knows how long

Im sorry that i havent writen any new parts, there was something happening and i didnt find the time

I hope you all can forgive me

Anyways, i gave Y/N bit of swearing and maybe anger problems if you notised

I got a picture for you guys

Dont forget to eat and drink water!(It sounds like im telling you guys to eat water😭)

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Dont forget to eat and drink water!
(It sounds like im telling you guys to eat water😭)

Love yall!♡


The dream we shared (TommyinnitxY/N)Where stories live. Discover now