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Pavitr and Hobie become friends, turns out they share a dorm. (this is like a month or two of knowing each other)

I'm laying on my bed, on my phone as I hear a small knock on my door. "Come in!" I yell from my bed, placing my phone down.

Hobie walks into my room.

"I was wondering, do ya wanna invite Gwen and Miles for a movie night?"

He asks as he sits down at the end of my bed. "If you want to, sure!" I smile at him.

"Great! Their coming around 8." He gets up from my bed and heads out the door, back to his own room.

Time skip

It's now 8:00, Miles and Gwen are chilling in the living room with Hobie. I'm in the kitchen making popcorn for us while they pick the movie.

Once im done I go back to them, plopping myself between Miles and Hobie, placing the large bowl of popcorn on the coffee table.

Of course, they picked a horror movie. I kept on looking away or putting my face down onto a pillow because of how scary the movie is.

"Cmon man, the movie isn't even scary!" Miles chuckles, looking at me.

"To you." I reply, glaring at him. It's near the end of the movie and I yawn, turning my head to look at Hobie just to see that he was already looking at me.

He turns away, I could see the soft rosy pink blush on his cheeks.

"You okay?" I whisper to Hobie. "Yep." He mumbles, turning back to me.

I could see the blush on his cheeks and he could see the blush on mine.

I turn to look at Miles and Gwen, Gwen has her head on his shoulder and his head is resting on top of hers. Me and Hobie giggle. "Lovebirds." Hobie mumbles under his breath, a small smirk on his face.

Oh lord, that smile. I think to myself, the blush on my cheeks more noticeable.

The movie comes to an end, Miles and Gwen are asleep on the other side of me. I'm talking with Hobie. "Hey, why don't we play something?" He suggests.

"Hm, sure." I cross my legs on the couch.

"How about truth or dare?" He asks me and I nod.

"You go first." I say to him. "Truth or dare?"

Hobie asks me, obviously im going to say: "Truth!" I whisper-yell.
"Have you ever.. had a crush on a boy?" A small smirk forms on his lips.

"Uh- maybe." I looking down at my fingers in my lap. "Okay." He replies. "Your turn." He says to me and I look up. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Hobie replies and I think for a second. "I dare you to.. tell me who your crush is!"

A smirk forms on my lips as I ask him that. "Uh-" He looks down at his fingers that are fidgeting in his lap , I could tell he was nervous.

"What?" I asked him.

"A dare is a dare." I say and look at him. "Well," He looks back up at me. "Why don't I describe him?"

A small smile forms on my lips. "Ooh.. it's a guy? But sure." He lets out a small chuckle.

"He has short and black, kinda curly hair. He's very smart, and one of my friends. Oh, and he also likes to read and write and his favourite class is art."

More blush formed on his cheeks. Wait, he kinda described me. I thought and just shrugged it off.

"He sounds nice." I smile at him. "Anyways, it's your turn!" He nods, looking in my eyes. "Truth or dare?"

I think for a second. "Dare."

"Hm.. i dare you to tell me your crush." He says, a smirk forming on his lips.

I think for a little before speaking up. "Well, he is one of my closest friends right now, he has a band, and his hair is always messy."

I think that might've given it away. "And he's sitting in front of me right now."

I muttered under my breath, I see Hobie look back up at me. "It's.. me?" He asks and I nod a little. "Pavi, I feel the same way."

I feel him take my hand into his larger hands. "Can we- ya know?"

I ask, looking down at our hands. I see him move closer, he cups my cheeks and pulls me into a soft, warm kiss.

Gosh- the feeling of his lips on mine, it's just so.. dreamy.

I wrap my arms around his neck as his hands drop to my waist and he pulls me closer. I pull away for air. "I never knew you were such a good kisser."

I chuckle softly as I look at him.

Oh my lord, I just kissed my goddamn crush. I just kissed Pavitr.

My heart is practically beating out of my chest right now.

"Thank you." I smile, looking at him. I pull him into another kiss, my hands resting on his hips.

"God! Get a room you two." My eyes widen as I pull away from Pavitr, seeing Miles and Gwen giggling.

"What the fuck guys?" I look at them, Pavitr covers his face as he puts his head in the crook of my neck. "We thought you guys were asleep!"

sorry that I left it like that lol! I'm very sleepy and it's 3:00 am for me rn so I gotta get some sleep. gimmie ideas for the next few chapters pleaseeee!! 😣😣

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