Chapter 3 : Alexis Has A Plan Sort Of?

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So as morgan walked up to her best friends crush she thought what should I say I don't want to mess this up for Jaden but I also want Nidal so bad I can't think straight, so as she reached Alexis she said hey can I ask you a question and Alexis turned around and said sure, morgan than said I have a problem and I need help with a plan to solve it, Alexis then said she would help but she needed morgans help first and morgan said whatever you need I will do, Alexis than said what do you know about that boy over there that looks at me with those beautiful eyes and bushy hair,  morgan than says that's my best friend and he kind of has a thing for you as well, Alexis than said if you can get me a date with your friend I will help you make a plan.

A Love Unrecognized.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang