Chapter 9 : New Love Ignited

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As Morgan was on her way to see her mom she had passed by the strawberry patch as she often does and she still see's Jaden And Alexis going at it and thinks how long is that going to go on for they must really be in love and then considers in her mind how it would be with her prince Nidal. She soon arrived home to find her mom waiting and very disanointed that she had been gone all day, she told her mom she was out with old friends and needed some advice, she then stated that she had a friend who had a single uncle who she thought might be a good match for her and his name was alexander and he was a bit younger but still very single and she knew she had to sell it to get away to see her prince, her mom then said well that's interesting I might have to look into that do you know anything else about him and she said no just that it was going to be a blind Date and her mom agreed she would give it a shot and asked when she thought it would be for and Morgan said Next Tuesday at 5 and her mom said ok I'll have to find something to wear, after that morgan ran to her room and jumped with excitement as her plan was coming about and she could not wait.

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