Chapter 8 : Plan Is In Motion

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About 30 mins after Morgan Left Connor Arrived, Ethan had let him in and they sat and talked about how his old friend had stopped by and she had a problem, he then said isn't your uncle single, and Connor said yes he is and that he has had his eye on someone for sometime and then Ethan wanted to know who it was and then connor explained and Ethan was like that sounds like what Morgans mom looks like and he also thought as he does often in his mind that this is going to be easy now we just need them to meet and then Ethan said to Connor after all this thinking about setting other people up why don't we make it official and go on a date your uncle isn't going to be there so we can finally see if true love is in our future and then Connor Agreed, now it was up to morgan to make her side happen.

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