Chatper 2 - Walk Me

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The bell rang and we all started heading out of the classroom

"Aiden I'm going to walk with Hester to my next class alright?" I say looking up at him smiling while he has a blank face

"I'll talk to you later I guess" he says then me and Hester walk off

He started walking me to class with his arm around my shoulder pulling me in closer to him

"Do you know why I asked you if you wanted to come over my house today?" He says looking down at me

"Uhm no" I look up at him a little confused "why?"

He looks back at where we're going and says "to play games and watch movies" he says smiling back at me

Almost seems like he wanted to do more than play games and watch movies with me

"Oh" I say smiling back and start walking a little faster

"why are you walking so fast?" He says "oh I just don't like to be late to class you know" I say back "well don't worry we'll make it in time" he says back

Oh my gosh I wish he would notice I'm uncomfortable.

"Look, see, we're here" he smiles at me as he opens his arms for a hug "yes we are" i nervously smile back at him and walk in class completely ignore his hug

I sit down and start to do my work as fast as I can so I can rest a little before school ends as this is my last class of the day

I'm on the last part of my assignment when I get a notification on my phone, i look to see who it is texting

And it's actually Aiden texting me saying 'are we still on for after school?' I quickly text him back saying 'yeah' and leave it at that

I finish my assignment and turn it into the teacher "That was fast-" he says to me "hah I know" and walk back to my desk

After I sit back down I rest my head on the desk waiting for five minutes before the bell rings

I have an alarm set on my phone

Five minutes past as i'm slowly falling asleep when the teacher asks for me "Someone wants you outside of this room"

I look at the time on my phone and my alarm is just about to go off so i grab my things and walk out of class to see who it is

I look both ways as I open the door to see who it is and to my left it turns out....

                              ~ "Fine then!" ~

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