Chapter 3 - Confess, Confess!

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Turns out it's Aiden, and he's looking a little sad

"Hey..." he says to me "Hey, what's wrong" I say back "Nova cancelled on me.."

Yes! Yes! Yes! Now it's going to be only me and him!

"Oh really?" I say back "its gonna be just us again then" I look down and smile a little "yeah, I guess we could finish that show this time" he says back smiling at me looking deep into my eyes

"You want to leave right now?" He asks me, I mean I have all of my things so why not

I said "sure" and we starting heading towards the entrance to leave "hey..." he looks at me deep into my eyes again "yeah?" I say back

"Last one out the door is a rotten egg!" And he starts running "Aiden!!!" I yell at him and start racing after him

We're out the door faster than I thought considering how big this building is

out of breath I say "Loser-r" "I didn't-t l-lose" he says panting as we're both trying to catch our breathe "yea ok-ay"

We both take a minute to catch our breath, then we looked at each other and started laughing

"Hey since Nova isn't coming anymore we can go over my house since it's closer" i say to him, he takes a minute to think then says "yeah, sure" then we start walking to the house

Five minutes pass as we're on the way to my house and we're just talking and joking around when we run into Hester

"Hey guys" he says as he joins my walk with Aiden "Oh hey Hester.." I say to him "are you heading home?" I ask him

"yeah, I was walking with some friends when we had to part our ways and then I saw you" he says smiling at me

I love his smile!

"Oh really?" I smile back "so where are you heading?" He asks me putting his arm around me again

"uhmm were just going to the store then probably the park" I say back nervous "oh can I join" he asks my house is right around this corner

"Umm, it's kinda just a me and Aiden thing so" I say looking down

"Yo she's obviously uncomfortable by you having your arm around her" Aiden points out and Hester looks at me noticing it and removing his arm from around me

"ahh I'm sorry Lili" he says, he gave me a nickname?! "no no it's fine, js don't do it anymore please" I say giving him a nervous smile

"sure thing, let me know if I make you uncomfortable again" he says smiling at me

"I wouldn't want to make the girl I like uncomfortable" he says looking at me deep into my eyes as if we're the only two people on Earth

"You like me?" I ask him "Yeah, it wasn't obvious before?" He asks "not really" I chuckle

"Hah well I have to go this way Delilah, so text me okay" he says smiling and walking off

A good three seconds pass when Aiden snaps me out of my day dream

"Delilah" he says "we're still going to your house, you can think about him there" he laughs

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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