How Could He

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Whats better than roses as gift? Thats right! 2 Tickets to Island!
When Exam was 3 years old, he wanted to visit a specific island, where its meant to be haunted by moonfalls.
Exam wanted to surprise Maxwell... sharing his ticket He climbed up inside of the windows of Maxwell's house.
Exam hid very well inside of the closet.
He heard weird noises that he never heard before... it was... a woman.
When Exam suddenly realised that the woman was the new lover of Maxwell.
Exam stormed out of the closet, crying in tears, running far away off the house.
''WAIT'', said Maxwell.
But Exam was already gone...

Exam didnt know what to do, so he went to Pizza Tower to eat cheese in depression.
Peppino: ,,HELLO''
Exam stared at him in depression, crying even more
Peppino was so confused and became quiet.
Out of nowhere, a fat rodent, named Sloth, stepped up, buying 458 cheese cuz she fat.
She had no boobas either cuz flat.
Sloth: ''Meow''.
Exam looked at her, telling her to shut up.
Sloth: ''Meow''.
Exam called Sloth a fattie
So Sloth became so angry, that her hair began to turn red as blood.
Sloth Terminal-montage slapped Exam so strong that Exam flew from Brazil to Ohio.

Exam was so scared when suddenly a smiling guy in brown hood, was staring at him.
There was a sign next to him, saying ''Broken''.
Exam was terrified. He wanted nothing else but happiness. And love of his life.
Randomly had he, carry with, his phone.
He attempted to charge it at Ohioan MCDonalds.
But his phone moved as if a ghost touched it.
Suddenly a notification popped up. From someone named Clyde.

It asked how Exam felt... When suddenly Lilith told Exam that he owe her souls of Sloth's children. Exam felt confused cuz he was just a neko arc cat. He tried to type back and respond back to Clyde when he suddenly realised, that he had no fingers. His only option is to somehow send voice messages, which he hates. 
Clyde responded on own, telling Exam that Exam didnt need to send voice messages nor text, cuz the phone got Ohionatized. 

Exam remembered Maxwell and cried so hard, he asked Clyde to play despacito in Spanish. Instead, Clyde accidentally opened an ASMR Hentai vid. Exam blushed thinking that Clyde said that. So Exam began to have crush on Clyde.
Exam shivered while blushing, asking Clyde if Clyde said that.
Clyde didnt respond in embarrassment. Exam stared at his phone.
Exam: ''W-w-w-w-w-will you go out with me?''
Clyde responded: ''Sorry but no...''
Exam became so depressed that he started to grew demon wings, and demon tail... as if some demon took over him...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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