- Chapter 42 -

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—- looks at the church.


They all get out of the car, bringing their weapons.

"Be on your guard. Something isnt right about this place."

They nod. They wait for the women and she smiles at all of them.

"please follow me. Ill take you to the father."

They follow the women, the male in front. She stops inside, gesturing to a big tub of holy water.

"Please cleanse your weapons before we continue any further."

They all do so, which takes about an hour. They follow the women into the place where the father is. Wooden chairs between isles and a big statue of jesus on the cross. The place is a lot of cleaner than expected and the father is praying in front of the statue on his knees.

The women clears his throat.

"Father, i brought more people. They are very excited to know the ways of our lord."

The father stands and turns to look at them. He smiles. Hes wearing a black uniform, he has a cross around his neck and grey hair that goes out in messy looks.

"Welcome to our little piece of heaven! Its wonderful news that you all decided to join us!"

The father crouches down in front of eri, who is holding her ax and the white rabbit.

"A little girl like you shouldnt be using a weapon so dangerous. Why not you give it to me for safe keeping?"

The male shields her, kota taking her black.

"She is more than capable of having a weapon and fighting, hurting anything. Not just zombies."

The father puts his hands up and laughs nervously standing up.

"A-ah i see..."

The male stares as the father regains his former smile.

"Who might you be? I am father john, its nice to meet you."

The male looks at the man, analyzing anything. No bruises, all except three scratch marks on his wrists, the father stands nervously.

"My name is mr. rabbit. Me and my friends want to join your church."

The father beams and laughs.

"Im so glad! Follow me please!"

They follow the father the women also leading, to the exit of the main room, upstairs where there are tons of rooms.

"At our church, our nuns, sisters and brothers stay here so everyone is safe."

Katsuki scoffs.

"How are you safe if there is no one killing zombies to protect this place."

The father laughs.

"God gives us our protection. Who needs weapons of violence when you could just believe? Right sister sara?"

The women, sara, nods slightly.

"Y-Yes father..."

They continue down the hall until they are at the end.

"Youll all be staying here. Please if you need anything or have any questions, find any of us. Dinner starts at 9:00, make yourselves at home." 

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