The Lake

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With Indy...

The Brachiosaurus were moving across the vast biome, being stalked by the most probable future-queen of this queer place. No other apex predator probably existed other than the Untamable King here. Living in a world full of herbivores, having the three feasts each day, mumbled Indy. Nothing interesting to kill, it occurs to me. I've become so crazy that I'm not hunting these guys – Indy jumped out of the shadows and the sauropods all ran away in a hurry – I'm scaring them off! I can't believe I stooped so low! Indy groaned and began to walk over to her nest. Even a hoarse cry from a pack of Fukuiraptors didn't make her flinch. Almost instantly, the alpha lunged for her neck, roaring bloody revenge (Indy was pleasurably living on some of her pack's eggs now and then). Indy simply shook her neck and the alpha fell on the ground and she nonchalantly trampled on the alpha while rendering her dead. The rest of the Fukuiraptors were unsure whether Indy even noticed the alpha and fled. That's one more egg for another day, at least, thought Indy. She collapsed in exhaustion and stared up at the sky. This dreaded place is certainly taking its toll on me, she thought. Maybe some water will do you some good, she thought out loud and got up. She approached a small lake, and dipped her head into it and began to drink. I do really feel better, she smiled. As she drank, she felt a strange feeling overwhelm her. The feeling of having company. She raised her head and carefully surveyed her surroundings, finding nothing. Strange, sighed Indy. But what can this place possibly have that posses a threat to me? As she finished saying this, a robust fish leapt out of the water and clamped its jaws around Indy's neck firmly, and dragged her into the water. Indy roared in pain, and struggled to be freed. But the beast jaws were firmly around Indy's neck – and soon they would become inseparable. But she knew that a rightful alpha had to assert dominance to any challenger that squared off against her. Indy raised her claws and scratched the fish's eyes. It bellowed in anger, giving Indy an opening for escaping its grip. She swam back to the top as fast as she could, and went far away from the lake. Lakes, she thought. Spine-claw loved swimming in lakes. Spine-claw could've helped you, Indy whimpered sadly. Well good job, Indy, smiled Indy in fatigue as she laid down to sleep. Good job. 

With Aqua-Fang, Sabre, and Ripper...

The only thing which I hate Indy for is the fact that she's too slow, growled Sabre, scraping the air with his claws. And we tried everything we could, Ripper snarled, but Spine-claw is dead. He was supposed to be dead in the beginning, Aqua-Fang bared his teeth. Not that it's a good thing. The trio were walking through a lush forest. For all we know, Ripper sighed. Indy maybe locked away by that goner TranqPoinT thousands of miles away. Did anybody see how they took her? He added on. Who knows? Sabre said. Maybe she's really close by. Let's be open to some new ideas, Aqua-Fang stipulated. Let's discuss under the moonlight after hunting. The sunset had commenced, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold. I guess we can catch a sauropod, said Sabre, licking his chops. Maybe each other, snickered Ripper. Whatever is the case, Aqua-Fang finalised with determination. We're finding Indy tomorrow.

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