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With Aqua-Fang, Sabre, and Ripper...

The moonlight shone through the evergreen canopy of the forest through which Aqua-Fang, Sabre and Ripper were treading through. It was midnight – a few hours before the crack of dawn. I feel restless, Ripper sighed exasperatedly. Aqua-Fang ignored him, and he shot a glance at Sabre, walking nearly half-asleep. Think, Ripper, snarled Aqua-Fang. If you would hide a dinosaur, and probably many others on this mainland, where would you hide them? You were supposed to be a bioweapon, right? Think like one! Ripper protracted his claws threateningly, clearly disturbed by Aqua-Fang's suggestions. I'm not a bioweapon, he retorted. I'm Ripper. And I decide who I am. And I have no such vile thoughts. I can't possibly fathom what those maniacs could have done to Indy. Aqua-Fang closed his eyes in despair, his spines emitting a dim light. I don't think we really can find Indy, Aqua-Fang sighed. All thanks to that ignoramus, Shadow, Ripper roared, waking up Sabre with a start. Everything is related to him in one way or the other, Ripper said, shaking his head. You're the ignoramus, argued Sabre, before crashing to the ground and entering a state of deep sleep. Ripper and Aqua-Fang shared a silent laugh, forgetting the precarious situation they were in. I guess we should all get some sleep, shrugged Aqua-Fang. Ripper? He growled, finding no response. He looked closely, and realised Ripper was already asleep. 

With Indy...

Indy was rendered catatonic. The whole biome had become still. It was now seemingly devoid of life, though life still existed. The Fukuiraptors were nestled in dense bamboo groves, the sauropods were unmoving but alert, the Dunkleosteus had receded back into the lake's waters. It was as if they were heralding the advent of a new being. Indy prowled through the greenery, her acute senses searching for any noise. She heard a sound. And she could attribute it to a ship cutting through water. Humans, Indy thought vengefully. Wait... Ships ride on water, and if I can hear the ship, that means I'm close by to this biome's edge! Indy smiled. I can escape, if I orchestrate my plan properly, she thought out loud, and growled lowly before retreating into the shadows. She laid low, hiding her heat signature and camouflaging into her surroundings. It's been quite some time since we've done this, laughed a familiar voice. No, snarled Indy. Not you again. Months, Indy. Months. They've trapped us here for months, the voice snarled assertively. I know you want revenge. How badly you want it, but still take no action. Why neglect your desires instead of just giving in? Indy shook off the voice, and listened attentively for any sounds. The ship's noise had faded away, and was replaced by footsteps. The sky had began to drizzle lightly as she heard a voice. Where's Shadow? Asked a woman. I reckon he may be a little elusive by nature, ma'm, responded a man. Shadow? Indy thought. They confused me for Shadow... Keep your HK416 steady, ordered the woman. We might not have such a warm welcome from Shadow. The guards may have tasers, but we need more. No, Indy thought in despair. Guns and tasers? I don't know how they're going to react if they find me... What about Indy? The woman asked. Indy is missing, sighed the man. WHAT? The woman lashed out. But we have orders to make sure Indy's safe! We need her DNA to run tests. Indy froze. They run tests and obtain my DNA... How? She thought. Wait... The woman growled. So the fighter pilots we sent confused Shadow for Indy? She cried. Maybe, the man said in panic, but the ship is leaving the dock soon. We should head away. Anyway, the woman humphed. You're fired. As they walked away, Indy silently approached them, still in camouflage. The ship wasn't even a klick away – Indy could reach it with a little spring in her step.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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