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As days pass the preparations for Zayn's wedding continued. He refused every event and at last Ramla just decided of a bridal shower a day to the wedding then the dinner that he was threatened before he accepted. 
Today is Wednesday and the wedding fatiha is commencing on Friday. It is already 9pm and Zayn is still in the office. Seeing home is making him sick and seeing his Mimi's and Baby's worried face with eye bags and dark cycles makes him feel like just killing Ramla and ending all the drama.
He used his finger print on a door in his office and a room appeared before him. It was very dark. He oned the lights and the grey room appeared. He enter his walk in closet and came out with a dark grey rob tied arround his waist revealing his builded body and twelve packs. Yes, he has twelve packs. He entered the restroom and took a long relaxing shower thinking about his life.
"But why did I not let them touch her, I don't normally care. Why her?." Calculating and talking to himself has become a habit to him this days.he continued, "I called the doctor for her, I made sure her chair and cloth were properly washed I even went out and bought sanitary pads for her. Even shouted at the nurses for being out of pads. Really?  If I can recall it's only Rahama that I do this for. Or is it because she coincidently look like her?"
Since he knows there is no one to answer his questions he just took his bath and went out of the bathroom. He entered his walk-in closet and went out wearing a simple pajamas. He hoped on  bed, tapped his phone and saw a bunch off missed calls.  He first called back Mimi and she didn't pick up so he called Rahama .
"Baby I've been calling you since and you didn't pick up. Are you okay? Are you Alright? Where are you? Did you even eat anything?" She threw a bunch of questions at him.
"Calm down baby I'm alright and I've eaten, I'm in the office I'm staying for the night." He answered.
"But Ya Zayn why, we need you here." she whined.
"Don't worry I'll be back I just need sometime Alone to gather up my self." He said calmly
Okay, she answered slowly.
"Tell Mimi that called her back but she did pickup and I'm going to sleep I'll call her first thing tomorrow morning." He stated.
"Okay baby bye."she said with a little smile though he can't see her.
"Okay bye take care okay." he uttered and cuted the call.
He switched off his phone and closed his eyes. In few minutes he slept off.

The next day

Imediately 5 it's subh time, he woke up automatically without alarm. He went and perform ablution, wore a jallabiya and head to the mosque in the company. As he entered the mosque they asked him to lead them. He always lead the prayer when he's available simply because they like his voice. Unless he met them already praying.
After praying he went back to his office checked the schedule his secretary dropped for him before going and there is nothing he will do today.
He was surposed to feel happy that he can have a Day off but instead he felt the opposite. If he had something to do it will keep him away from thinking about the trouble a head of him.
He entered the room removed the jallabiya and overslept till 11am. He opened his blue eyes and look at the alarm clock close to him. He quickly stood up saying his addua. He freshen up and wore a simple  white sweat shirt and a army green cargo pants with white Adidas sneakers.
The puted on his oraimo headphone and connected it with his phone. He wore his forecast watch and added with a Turkish oud. He looked takeaway with his long hair loosed . He played the Quran reciting it in his mind knowing that it will ease the feeling in his heart.
He decided to take a tour  in the city.
He carried his Pagani huayra key and went out of the room. He met his secretary who reported to him about the governor's contract. That the governor want to meet him and to check out the building.
"God! I wanted taking today off." he sign.
"All the necessary papers had been checked by miss Sabreen sir." the secretary uttered.
"Where is she?" Zayn asked.
"In her office" the secretary answered.
Zayn went and knocked on her door and she immediately opened it.
"Sir, are you taking the day off?" She asked looking at the way he was dressed.
"Yes but we have to go and check that place out" he replied.
"We?" She asked with a confused look.
"Yes we. you are my personal assistant so ofcourse we are going there together". He replied and went back to his room. He entered his closet directly and wore a three-pieces suit a pair of office shoes he parked his hair with a band and head out. He met Sabreen in his office checking some files.
"Shall we?"  he asked.
"Yes Mr Zayn" she answered.
He carried his Brabus keys and they head to the basement. They entered the car, he wormed it up while she took her time admiring the model of the car. She fell in love with it at once. He noticed how she was smiling while looking at the car Which surprisingly made him smile for no reason. One thing is for sure he love her smile.
They zoomed of to the site.
Upon reaching there he parked at the gate.
She was the first person to get of the car. The place is empty with no sight of people if not the workers in the site. It's only the building that is there so for some reason her heart isn't at ease.  She knelt down to tie her shoe lace when someone cought her from the back. She screamed "inalillahy" at once while the person closed her mouth. Zayn, who just stepped in the building heard her voice and immediately rushed back he sported a man dragging her. He started running after her when he was hit with a heavy metal that caused him to faint. Two men appeared in a tinted van and dragged the both of them in.
Zayn is unconscious while Sabreen kept removing her baraceltes and watches throwing them through the window. They took them to a small house and kept them in a room.


He was still uncounsous when you heard her screamed "inalillahy wa'inna ilaihi rajiun". He quickly opened his eyes and look around and their is no spot of her. He stood up and opened the door. He saw another door opposite to the one he went out from . He rushed their and opened it. But unfortunately he was late. Three men surrounded her shirtless the third one was wearing his pants. He was lying down naked in a pool of blood and she looked dead. Zayn felt a little dizzy and had to use the wall for support. And screamed "Sabreen!!!."
He opened his eyes at once and realized that it's all a dream. He repeated "inalillahy wa'inna ilaihi rajiun" multiple times. While Sabreen looked at him already panicked.
"I'm here Mr Zayn what happened." He said looking all worried.
"" he stammered. He closed his eyes for few hours and opened them again. He looked at her carefully and realized he was wearing a long jalbab under it is a black joggers and a shirt she must be wearing.thank God she dressed modestly. He kept staring at her face lost in thoughts. He only see Rahma in her. She is like her carbon copy for a moment he thought of them having a blood relation. She was uncomfortable with the look so she sat  beside him and leaned her back on the wall he is leaning. He only smiled.
That is when he realized they are in a strange place and remember what happened. He quickly stood up and took a good look at the place when two men barged in.
"Oga yarinyarnan zatayi Dadi fah ya kake gani?".(boss this girl will be sweet how did you see?). "Jari, Amma larabawa muka samo sun iya Hausa kuwa?"(jari we got Arabs can they speak Hausa?)" Bana tunani Amma ai zasuji turanci" ( I don't think so but they may understand English). "Torh kasan maganan da Dan tsayi Kuma wannan turanci kadan kadan akeh tabukawa Dan haka Kai zakayi." ( So you know the talk it's kind of long and the English is small small we can speak so you are going to talk).
The kidnapper chated between them.
"You. Go. Sit. Down." Jari told Zayn demonstrating by squating a little. Zayn played on and went to sat down close to Sabreen fuming inside.
"Money. Body. Bring. And phone." Jari added. Zayn looked at him like he doesn't understand what he meant.
Jari looked at oga and oga removed a gun from his pocket and pointed straight to her head.
They both raised up their hand and the kidnappers removed everything from his pockets the other person who just entered located Sabreen and Zayn quickly stood between them.
  Arfa'i hijabak wa afarqi jiubak wa a'tihim kulla shay'. Al'an ladayhim silah wa la yumkinuni alsamah lahum bilmasak. (Raise your hijab and remove everything from your pockets and give them. Right now they have a gun and I can't let them touch you). Zayn stated
Na'am (Yes) she answered  and did the same they parked everything and head out.
Sabreen started crying.

Hi guys it's been a while.
Been busy and lazy.
Also having exams tomorrow.
But I'll try and update more in holiday, try to finish the story.

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I appreciate you guys giving my story a chance.

Thank you.

Your girl Hafsarh.

The girl in thoughts 🥀

lt started At Once ✨Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon