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"LET ME GO!!" a strained voice cried while struggling out of the harsh grip of the two holding him back. "Let go of my family you filthy bastards" the man spat but this reaction only seemed to widen the smirk of the man who seemed to be enjoying at the sight in fron of him. Robert Crimson truly seemed to be scared and worried. The man in front of Robert tsked while shaking his head, "What did I tell you would happen if you did not return my money Robert?... Look at your poor family tied up. Wouldn't want anything to happen with your wife or daughter, no? Emilia looks particularly delicious right now, kind of the woman I like. I wonder if she tastes as tasty as she looks and your daughter... my, my, my same beauty as her mother. I am surprised Robert you can get a сука (bitch) like that."

"Y-You w-w-wouldn't touch them Viktor. If you do I will-"
"You will what Robert? Kill me? *scoffs*. Приведи суку и щенка. Я хочу, чтобы он смотрел, как я их трахаю (Bring the bitch and the pup. I want him to watch as I fuck them). Don't worry, I'll make sure they enjoy it." A sinister smirk made its way upto Victor's face looking at a horrified and disgusted Robert. "They have done nothing wrong Viktor a-a-and my daughter, she is only 8. You stay away- stay away I tell you." Robert begged that night to Viktor to not hurt his family but his pleas went unheard when Viktor ordered his men to tie Robert up. 

Robert watched helplessly as his wife, Emilia and daughter Elektra were brought from upstairs covered in blood, bruises, tears and sweat. Both of their's clothes were torn and were nothing but mere rags covered in blood. Emilia's golden hair were drenched in the sticky red liquid and her sun kissed skin looked paler than a corpse. Her dull hazel eyes looked towards Viktor pleadingly as if they were asking the bastard to let her family go. Next to Emilia layed Elektra who lost consciousness from all the beatings she recieved.  

Viktor took small steps towards Emilia. He had always found her irresistible and wanted to fuck her. Her torn clothes and begs made to turn him on even more. He looked next to her to see Elektra barely councious. He kicked the young girl in the guts to make her cough blood. He told his men in Russian to do whatever they want with her but he wanted the wife all to himself. He held a handfull of Emilia's hair and yanked her heads backwards. "Please don't do anything to Elektra.  She's only 8, a child. She has done nothing wrong." Emilia pleaded Viktor to leave Elektra out of this but he slapped her hard, so hard that the sound rang though the room. "You are still standing up for that brat, the brat you had with Robert. You could have had a better life with me. I have everything - money, power and what not. But you decided to stay with that кусок дерьма (piece of shit). Can't even protect you. This is what you get for not fulfilling your promise to Valentinovs Robert." With this he ripped Emilia's rest of clothes and what happened after that was so unbearable for Robert that he died of cardiac arrest and Emilia died from the shock. Viktor and his men left soon after, thinking that everyone died but Elektra somehow survived. The only thing she could remember was  the name 'Valentinov' before she lost consiousness. 


"Dispatch, this is Officer Smith, badge number 123. We're at 1234, Elm Street, Springfield. Two dead bodies and one severely injured child on the scene. The deceased individuals appear to be adults, and the injured child is approximately 8 and unconscious. Urgently requesting medical assistance and backup. Scene not fully secure, potential suspects may still be present, proceed with caution. Repeat, we are at 1234, Elm Street, Springfield, over." The officer reported the crime scene to the main unit. 

The homicide crime scene is a chilling sight with both parents lying lifeless on the floor of their suburban home. The house, situated on a quiet street, now attracts a swarm of reporters, flashing cameras, and police vehicles. Yellow crime scene tape stretches across the front yard, marking the perimeter of the tragic incident.

Inside the house, the scene is filled with distressing evidence of violence. Bloodstains are scattered across the living room, where the parents' bodies lay motionless. The room appears to have been ransacked, indicating a possible struggle or robbery gone awry. The detectives and forensics team are meticulously documenting the scene, carefully preserving any clues that may lead to identifying the perpetrator(s).

In the midst of the grim scene, there is a glimmer of hope: an 8-year-old girl found in a corner, frightened and traumatized. She is the sole survivor of the brutal attack on her family. Paramedics rush to her side as the police call the medical dispatch, urgently requesting immediate assistance. The young girl is quickly transported to the nearest hospital in critical condition. The urgency of the situation is evident as the paramedics work diligently to stabilize her while onlookers, including concerned neighbors and reporters, watch with somber expressions.


1 year later

Elektra looked around her to see if anyone was around. As soon as she saw the path was clear, she put the rope she prepared by knotting the bedsheets together out her third floor window, grabbed her bagpack started climbing down. That was a risky task considering she is still not fully recovered from the previous day's bullying and also a fall from this height could definitely kill her. Either way it was an escape for her, her only chance to get out of the hell hole of the adoption center.  She didn't want to be bullied anymore neither can she take the constant nightmares haunting her. She still feels dirty. She does not remember much of what happened that night but she remembers someone touching her in all those places where they shouldn't have. She wanted all the voices in her head, telling her that she was worthless and all those bullies who call her names to rot in some ditch. 

She heaved a sigh of relief when she felt her feet toouch the ground. She proceeded to the backyard very cautiously. If anyone catches her, she would be punished for trying to run away and her bullies would definitely enjoy watching her getting punished. She quickly snuck out of the premises from a hole she created in the backyard wall behind a bush. The hole took months of hard work but finally, she was free. She looked back to her supposed home and then back at the sky wondering how her life would have been of her parents were still alive. She wouldn't be bullied or called names, she wouldn't have nightmares, she wouldn't have to go to a pshyciatrist who wouldn't stop asking questions and moreover, she would have her parents to love her. It hurted her how much she missed them. "Valentinovs" was the only thing she remembered before her mind went blank, before the pain came and before she vowed that she would stop at nothing for avenging her parents murder. The police might have given up but she won't.


A/N: Short chapter, I know. I'll try to write bigger chapter- I promise. 

Please correct the translations if I am wrong somewhere. They are from internet so...😅

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