Chapter 1

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"So don't you worry your pretty, little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours....
" the alarm early in the morning. Elektra groaned and turned her alarm off. 6:30am. It's too early to wake up, she thought but then she suddenly remembered about her Roman- her boyfriend. With Taylor Swift blasting over her phone speaker she quickly got off the bed and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and then shower.

Today was an important day and she could not risk being late. Her boyfriend was coming back from Alaska. Oh how she longed to be in his arms again. They were together since they both were 14. 2 years of relationship with a person she loves has been nothing but pure blessing especially after all the years of the taumatic memories of that night- the night her parents died. The memory of her parents dead faces have been ingraved in her brain. She can't seem to get them out no matter how much she tried. Whenever she closes her eye, she could hear her mother screaming for mercy. She could remember abouth the pain she felt between her legs before she everything went black. Her blood boils with fury when she remembers the incidents. Whoever the Vakentinovs are will pay for it and she will make sure of that.

She never told her adoptive parents about the mentioning of the name "Valentinovs". If they knew, they would bring whoever that was and kill them without even blinking. She didn't want that. She wanted that person to suffer like she did. She wanted to them to suffer from something worse than death itself. She wanted to torture them till they all beg to be killed but se won't kill them that easy. Death would be the easy way out. She wanted to make them pray that someone else would kill them before she could. But there are two problems in her way. Firstly, she didn't know where those filthy rats were. And secondly, even if she did find them, her family won't let her be near them. Being the most feared mafia family in the world, her parents are so overprotective that they won't let her even touch a butter knife and that what annoy Elektra the most. She still remembers the first meeting with her new parents like it was yesterday.



Elektra ran as fast as she could. She did not want to be caught and put in that hell hole again. Some might think that the orphange, even though people bullied her, was safe. But that place was selling children. Every two months, all the childrens from age 10-16 are taken in the name of adoption and are sold in auctions. Elektra once followed one of the children when they were being taken only face t he reality. She understood at once what was happening. Her father had old her about how children are kidnapped and sold, hence to stay away from stranger. When the authorities found out they starved her for 2 months and threatened to cut her into different peices and then sell her organs if she told anyone what she saw. That place was nowhere near safe and she would rather starve on streets rather than being sold to some filthy man.

Soon she found herself in an alley. It was covered with puddles due to afternoon rain and held a bad stench of garbage. She was passing it when she saw a man, his back facing her and another man who was talking to him. Suddenly the former took out his gun from his back and shot the latter right between the eyes. Blood splattered everywhere and the memories of her dead parents came flooding back to the 9 year old. She froze in her spot. She couldn't move even if she tried. She was sacred.

Suddenly her trance was broken by the man covered in blood when her roughly grabbed her by her face, forcing her to look into his eyes. "How much did you see?" his rough voice came out. Tears were brimming in her eyes but she held them back. She knew better than to show her terror. Her hand went to the pocket of her pants and she found the pocket knife there. Her insticts told her before leaving to pack a weapon in case of situations like those and she couldn't be happier. But before she could do anything another voice called out from behind. "Leave the girl alone Andrei." Behind him she could see another man coming towards them. Everything about that man said power and authority. 

She tried to back away but it was futile in Andrei's harsh grip."But boss she saw that." Andrei said. "I'll deal with her myself Andrei."  "As you wish sir." Andrei let go of the girl and she tried to run away but was soon stopped by the Boss. The Boss, as she called him in her head, knelt to her level and sensing her heightened fear he spoke very softly to her. "Why are you in such a place this late at night? Your parents might be very worried about you. You should go home. Promise me you won't tell anyone what happened today okay." Elektra looked at the boss with wide eyes, and seemingly shocked that such a dangerous man could speak so politely and softly. 

Mention of her parents brought unwanted memories for Elektra. Tears brimmed in her eyes at the man's words. "No one would be worried about me. I have no family." The words came out in barely a whisper. The man probably pittied the girl and was about tohug her for comfort when she pulled out a pocket knife."Don't come near me. I won't hesitate to slice your thoat."  Amusement danced across his eyes. he was surprised to see a girl barely 10  years old to have guts to threaten someone when she saw one of his men killing a person. He held his hand up motioning surrender. "My, my, my such fierceness in such a small flower. You can lower your weapon now, I won't hurt you. Sorry about what you had to witness. I guess Andrei is getting sloppy in his work."  Hearing his words Elektra backed up a little but was still sceptical about the situation. 

The man bent down to her level. The man was stunned to see such bravery in such a small girl. Her watery eyes told him that she had been through a lot. He somehow felt connected to her. He remembered how he used to roam on the streets when he was a kid. His parents had kicked him out of the house, calling him a burden. He smiled at Ele and held out his hand. "I am Luigi and you are?". Elektra shaked his hand shyly "I am Elektra Crimson." Luigi offered her a small smile and pretended to bow down. "Here comes princess Elektra Crimson of The Land of Candies." Elektra giggled seeing such a huge man bowing down to her. "I am not a princess and Land of Candies in not real." "Well it made you smile."


Meeting Luigi that night changed Elektra's life for better. He officially adopted her and since then raised her like his own daughter. He took her to Italy to live her with her new family where she met her new mother, Anastasia and brother Adrian Moretti. Later she got to know that her new parents are the leader of one of the most feared mafia families with her brother being the heir. 

She was so lost in her though that she lost the track of time. She looked at the clock and realising that she was getting late, she hurried downstairs. "UGGGHHHHHH!!! Get a room Adrian." She groaned seeing her brother playing tonsil hockey with his girlfriend. Adrian just flipped her off as response and continued kissing the girl. She just rolled her eyes and quickly grabbed an apple and drove off to school. 

Her head was buzzing with excitement. 'Roman in finally back' she thought. She finaly made to to her locker after crossing the a buzz of people in the hallway when she saw...


A/N: Hey another chapter's up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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