First Meeting

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Who wanted to be thrown into an abyss first things in the morning?

Well, Daredevil's question was who wouldn't want to be thrown into an abyss first thing in the morning? Because the abyss by her school was the most fascinating thing she had ever seen, and now that she was given a chance to literally jump down it she was taking without hesitation. 

*Daredevil was walking down the hallway of her school, dragging a heavy bag behind her. Her smile was both unusually cheerful and mischievous at the same time. The other students almost seemed afraid of her, ducking into classrooms or giving her anxious looks as she bounded by*

Daredevil: Hello, everyone!

Daredevil: Isn't it a wonderful day to bring our teachers hell?

Daredevil: Yes, truly a wonderful day! 

Midnight: *sigh* Daredevil, what's in the bag?

Daredevil: A wonderful question! So you see *evil grin* I'm gonna graffiti the principle's office!

Midnight: Of course you are. 

Daredevil: Laugh all you want, fellow student, for you will be laughing even more when that jerk comes out screaming! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA! *skips away cackling*

Midnight: Welp, she's dead. 

Midnight: I should probably be *scoff* responsible and stop her, right?

Midnight: ...

Midnight: Nah! 


*The bell had rang and everyone was in class...except for Daredevil. She was sneaking down the hallway to the principle's office dragging her bag of graffiti material behind her*

Daredevil: This is going to be fun.

???: Hello, can you tell me where the Biology Classroom is. I'm kinda lost.

Daredevil: Huh?

*She turned around to see a tall female dragon with soft purple scales and amber eyes. She seemed shy, keeping her wings tucked tightly to her sides*

Daredevil: Oh, yeah. It's just down the hallway to your right. The door at the end.

???: Thanks!

*The mystery dragon was about to walk away when suddenly she stopped*

???: Hey, why aren't you in class? 

Daredevil: Who, me? Oh, I'm just trying to graffiti the principle's office! LOL

???: WHAT? Girl, don't you remember what she said at the assembly yesterday? 


Principle: If ONE more dragon puts dumb but strangely hilarious graffiti anywhere NEAR my office I SWEAR I will personally throw them into the abyss!!!

Daredevil: ...

Daredevil: Well, what's in the abyss? 

Daredevil: My curiosity has been awakened! The people need answers! 

Principle: *sigh* Daredevil...

Flashback ends

???: Do you WANT to be thrown into the abyss.

Daredevil: Yes. 

???: Wait, what?

???: ...

???: There's no way I can talk you out of this, is there?

Daredevil: No. 

???: Do you have a death wish?

Daredevil: Maybe. 

???: ...

???: Can I help?

Daredevil: What? What did you say? Can you repeat that question?

Amethyst: My name is Amethyst, and I want to help. 

Daredevil: Why? 

Amethyst: Well, I've only known the principal for a few days and I can confidently say that he is a HUGE jerk. Also, I'll admit that I'm kiiiindaaa curious about what's down there. And...why not?

Daredevil: HA! I like you. Of course you can join me! 

Amethyst: Haha! I like you too. I mean- I don't like you! I mean, I do, but I don't in that way. I mean, I do in that way. Wait, what did I just say? I'm gonna stop talking now. 

Daredevil: Do you like spray-paint or normal paint better?

Amethyst: Yes, let's change the subject...extremely attractive dragon. 

Daredevil: What?

Amethyst: NOTHING! 

Amethyst's Mind: Will you be my girlfriend now? 


*Later the day, the principal was literally dragging Amethyst and Daredevil out of his office. Graffiti was covering the walls and he was fuming with rage*

Principal: What did I say? WHAT DID I SAY?

Amethyst: *singing* I am in trouble! I don't know what to do! I am in trouble! How do I get out? Should I jump out a window?


Amethyst: I know...I was hoping lyrics would just come to me if I started singing.


Principal: I'm throwing you both in the abyss!

Amedevil: YAY! 

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