Chapter 2

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White shivered in the cool autumn night breeze.
"Cold!" She shivered again. Black simply nodded in agreement. Bianca grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the side.
"Lend her your jacket!" She hissed.
"Because she's cold!"
"Once again I ask, why?" Bianca sighed and face palmed herself.
"Just do it." Black shrugged and walked over to White, taking off his jacket and placing it snugly on her shoulders. Warmth crept into her cheeks as she wrapped the jacket tighter around herself.
"Oh, and uh, thanks for the sundae, and the milkshake." She said. She looked up at him and flashed a smile. A lightbulb went off in Bianca's head.
"Cheren! We are going to go and... Uh... Sit on that park bench whilst Black and White go on ahead!" She announced loudly while dragging Cheren with her to the park bench. White turned to Black who shrugged in reply. They kept strolling through the crisp autumn evening, leaving the other two to just sit and watch in excitement.
"Hmmm. pretty tonight isn't it?" Black asked.
"Yeah." White watched an ant crawl across the ground and smiled.
"Hey White,"
"Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you're scared that it's going to ruin your friendship?"
"Yeah once or twice."
"If I told you something would it ruin our friendship?"
"Of course not!" Black took a deep breathe and Bianca leaned forward excitedly waiting for Black's words.
'C'Mon black! you can do this! You're just committing your love to the girl...'
"I... Uh... was hoping we could go to the... The... Movies! um... together..." White smiled happily at him.
"Of course! lets go tomorrow." they both said goodbye and went their separate ways.
'Stupid! Stupid!!!' Black chanted in his head but all White could think I was 'why would that ruin a friendship?'

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