Chapter 4

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White wiped her eyes of the tears that had formed and smiled at the boy.
"I-is this the thing that would change our friendship?" She asked, sniffling a bit. Black nodded and stared at her.
"I mean, y'know if you're cool with it, I, um, don't want to force you into anything but I'm all for it if you are but if you're not than I'm not, I am completely okay with that and-" he was cut of by White's kiss. it was tender and sweet. It was perfect. As they pulled apart, White smiled at Black, their faces still close.
"I'm all for it." she kissed him again, this time more passionate.

They walked home together, White had convinced Black to give her a piggy back but this time with less effort.
"Good night White," he said as they stopped at her house. She smiled and pecked him on the nose.
"Night Black."

A/N: short but sweet! Hope you like! More is on the way!

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