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"Why are you training to fight with your hands? We have weapons

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"Why are you training to fight with your hands? We have weapons." Anakin asked, drawing my attention away from the punching bag in front of me.

"Why are you always lurking?" I laughed as he walked over to me.

"Get used to it, you didn't answer my question." He shrugged, standing beside me as I turned back to the bag.

"You shouldn't always rely on your weapons, what if your left without one and you have to fight by hand?" I replied, hitting the bag harder each time.

"I can fight perfectly well, thank you." Anakin smirked, leaning on the bag, making it stop swinging as I continued punching.

"Oh yeah? Prove it." I stepped away from the bag, dragging Anakin over to one of the sparring mats.

"Oh you're on." We both took our stances and started fighting.

I easily got the upper hand, being shorter and more agile than the older Jedi allowed me to slip under his attacks and retaliate with my own.

I knocked his feet out from under him, sending him crashing onto the mat.

I straddled his waist, leaning on his chest.

"You may be better with lightsabers but I am superior with hand to hand combat." I smirked as he tried to catch his breath.

"Really?" He gasped, flipping us over making me squeal and wrap my legs round his waist in surprise.

"Now what?" I giggled, finding everything ten times funnier from this angle.

"Admit you're not better than me." Anakin smirked.

"Never." I shook my head, still giggling.

"You're lucky your pretty." He told me, laughing at my fit of giggles.

"You think I'm pretty?" I laughed, watching him turn pink.

"I-" He shook his head, unable to think of something witty to say.

"It's okay, you're not too bad yourself." I started to calm down and stop laughing.

"You think?" He chuckled, leaning down.

Before I had time to react I felt him kiss me then pull away.

"Anakin, I-" I started to speak, my voice quiet but was cut off by the doors opening making Anakin stand up, pulling me to my feet.

"We have our assignment, I'll fill you in on the way." Obi-wan told us as he walked over to us, stopping and looking between us.

"We-" Anakin started but Obi-wan just shook his head.

"I don't need to know." He started walking out making the two of us follow after him.


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