Ni-ki Lives Alone

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Sunghoon sighs as he sits down the last of his boxes, wiping his brow. It is quite hot in Japan right now and he is starting to regret moving during this time of year but it is already done.

He opens the door to his new apartment and immediately turns on the AC, he stands in front of it for a moment and takes the time to look around his new home.

It is definitely different from the ones he's use to from back home in South Korea but he hopes to get adjusted soon. After a while he starts putting his stuff into the apartment in a random corner.

After he's done he takes out the gifts he'd set aside for his new neighbors as he knows it's a custom to greet your neighbors with gifts as a new tenant in Japan. He starts with the door to his right.

Room 204, he gets no answer. He then knocks again and puts his ear to the door but it's dead silent inside. Just as he moves his ear, he hears a door open. "Oh, no one lives there yet, you must be new"

The guy says making Sunghoon turn around "Ah yes, I moved here from South Korea, I'm Sun-" Sunghoon stops immediately at his new neighbor's breathtaking appearance.

He's significantly shorter than Sunghoon and has cherry red hair atop his head and a face that is adorn with a cute button nose and beautiful eyes that makes him resemble a cute kitten. "Nice to meet you, Sun, I'm Ryuta but you can call me Jungwon"

Sunghoon is even more dazed by his smile "Huh?" Jungwon chuckles at Sunghoon. "I'm Korean-Japanese. My grandparents were moved here when Japan was taking over Korea" Jungwon explains.
Sunghoon is still confused.

"Yeah my parents aren't that young... my brothers and sister are at least 15 years older than me" Sunghoon just blinked at him "Anyways I hope we'll be good friends, Sun" Jungwon says as he was about to go back into his house.

"Wait!" He says startling Jungwon "It's Sunghoon and" he shook his head "I want to give you this" Sunghoon says sticking his arm out, Jungwon raises an eye at the bag of treats.

"Oh" he says after a while taking the gift "You're not so weird after all" he smiles at Sunghoon "See you around... Sunghoon" he says finally going back into his house.

Sunghoon finally let's put the breathe he had been holding in. He just met Ryuta- or Jungwon whatever he wants to be called, it is too early to be catching feelings for him or anybody at all.

'That's not what I came here for... but I'll take note to circle back'

The neighbors of the first door are too busy... doing stuff so he quickly leaves the bag of sweets and a note on the door before heading downstairs to the first floor.

The first door opens to reveal an old couple Mr and Mrs. Nikuya, really nice people. They give him a gift also, a pack of tissues, and he tells them he looks forward to being their neighbors.

Several of his neighbors aren't home which makes  sense since it's currently one in the afternoon so he just leaves notes on their doors places the baggie on the floor hoping no one will steal them.

He finally gets to the last door and knocks on it once, it opens slowly revealing a scary looking man. He's a few years older no doubt, which makes him even scarier.

'Why is he scowling at me?'

"Why are you knocking on my door with a little bag staring at me like an idiot?" The guy says to a dumbfounded Sunghoon, his mouth opening and closing but nothing coming out. He's stunned.

"Are you a male prostitute or something? Seriously, what's up?" Sunghoon's eyes widen in disgust. "Ew! No!" Sunghoon says shoving the bag in his hand "I'm your new neighbor, Sunghoon. Room 203"

"Ah okay... makes... way more sense. You weren't dressed very appropriately for a prostitute" the guy says before opening the back to look inside then back up at Sunghoon's horrified face, grinning.

"The name's Heeseung. Nice to meet you, Sunghoon" Heeseung says, stepping backwards inside his apartment "but uh... next time get to the point faster would you? Thanks for the treat and uh sorry for assuming... you know"

When Heeseung's closes his door he immediately sighs. Heeseung along with a couple others are on a list of neighbors to avoid. Now that he's done with that it's now time for him to unpack.


It is about to be 8 pm and Sunghoon is starving. He knows it's terrible to eat so late but his stomach is growling embarrassingly and he's afraid Jungwon will hear it and be disturbed.

'It's only embarrassing because he's next door not because... he's cute or anything'

And with that he decided to go out anyway and kill his hunger, besides he needed to shop for food anyway. While on his way there a kid, little girl, ran into him causing her to fall in her back.

An out of breath older man comes behind her and apologized for her bumping into him. Of course, Sunghoon accepts it with a smile and waves it off but when he walks away he rolls his eyes.

He doesn't hate kids but he doesn't like them either, if you ask him to babysit in an emergency he's willing to do it but just because babysitting? Sunghoon should be the last person you think of.

Of course, if Sunghoon acciden- happen to have a kid of his own he would do his absolute best to show them love and them to the best of his abilities but that was impossible and god knew this seeing as he was gay as gay could gay.


He is coming back inside from taking out his trash when he sees the unoccupied apartment's door open, a rather short man with dark fiery orange hair steps out with gentle steps, as if not to disturb someone.

Or he is  being sketchy. Either way it is none of Sunghoon's business, as long as he nor his belongs were harmed or anything, he isn't gonna ask any quest- "Excuse me?" The guy seems to say to him.

Sunghoon looks around in hopes that someone had walked out of their apartment but no one did, it is just him and this strange man in a suit, he sighs . "This is your apartment correct?" The suit man asks.

"Yes" Sunghoon replies shortly in hopes he can make it in his apartment now but the guy continues. "My client is moving in next door and I have a favor to ask a favor of you, his new neighbor" the guy says.

Client? What does that have to do with me? Is it too late too lie to say I'm apartment sitting for a friend?

The suited man sees the confusion on Sunghoon's face and puts on a noble smile. "Ah, right I didn't introduce myself. I'm Lawyer Kim" the lawyer says to Sunghoon, who just blinks at him. "Sunghoon..."

"I would like to ask you to watch over my client in my absence. He's pretty self sufficient for his age but  he's still a child and I'll be back to give him his weekly allowance-" This Lawyer Kim starts explaining but Sunghoon cuts him off.

"Wait, wait, wait. No. Why would I do this?" Sunghoon asks "Backtrack, what do you mean 'he's still a child'?" "Mr. Sunghoon. My client's name is Nishimura Riki but he prefers to be called Ni-ki, he will be living next door to you from now on"

"Ni-ki is 5 years old" Lawyer Kim finishes.


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