Chapter 13

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"Oh.. how nice to finally see you." The man standing in front of me says.

I heard his voice once before. This is the same man who once broke into my house asking where I was. Looking over at Pedro, he nods his head towards me, indicating for me to run out of the back door. I quickly make my way to the exit, jolting as fast as my legs could go - but before I could reach the door handle, the tall man had reached me, running as fast a slight speed.

He grabs me from the back of my head, tilting my neck to the side. I never realized how long I could hold my breath until now. My anxiety kicked up, making me stop everything. I see Pedro flash the same amount of speed in front of me and this man.

"Don't you dare fucking touch her Lacimer." Pedro says growling thought his teeth.

Lacimer just laughs, pulling at my neck harder then before. He puts his head down next to me, taking in my scent.
"Mmm, you smell divine sweetheart. Let me just have one taste, yes?"

I whimper, worried about what's to come next. But before he could touch me with try his sharp fangs, Pedro hisses, baring all teeth.

"She has my mark. She is MINE! If you touch one hair on her head, I'll rip you into fucking pieces."

Lacimer rolls his eyes, "yes I know Pedro, I remember your 'little' mark." He says sarcastically, pausing for a moment. "But the council wants her, so I have no choice but to bring this pretty meat bag with me."

I look over at Pedro with pleading eyes full of fear and tears. I have no clue what is happening and why this council wants me. Instead of feeling bad for myself, I decided to defend myself.

"Im not going anywhere with you!" I yell looking up at him.

Lacimer laughs, patting me on my shoulder. He squeezes me tightly, causing pain to erupt. I groan with displeasure.

"Don't worry, you won't be going with me - if you were, there'd already be buckets of your blood filled up for me to enjoy later." He says smirking evilly. "I'm not too confident in my self control, so I decided it's best for her to bring you."

I'm confused as to who he's talking about. I haven't met a she creature yet. I was hoping I wouldn't have too. I hear someone approaching, turning my head around, I notice a dark figure coming through the door.

My eyes go wide as to who I am seeing. Am I dreaming? This can't be real life!? My eyes meet hers, as she looks at me with disgust.

"Jasmine?!" I yell.

Why the fuck is she here? Is she.... No.... She can't be, I would have known. Wouldn't I have?

Pedro's eyes darken with fury. "I knew I smelt a mutt the first time I went into that diner."

'Mutt?' What the hell is a mutt?

I shake my head in confusion. "I-I don't understand? You're my- were my best friend." I say on the verge of tears. We've been friends since we were kids, how could she lie to me, abandon me?

Jasmine laughs. "Friends with you? Ha!" She pauses staring at me. "I eat people like you for breakfast."

Tears start streaming down my face. "But why? We've known each other since we were kids.. I-"

She sighs, coming closer to me. "I have never fucking liked you. You were just clingy and stuck to me because you were lonely and depressed. So I had no choice but to pretend."

I have lost all hope in humanity. How could someone do this to a person? Maybe she's not a someone but a something.

"Are you one of them?" I say looking at Lacimer with disgust in my voice.

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