Chapter Seven: Forgive and forget & new beginnings

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             Back at the house. My aunt will show you to your room and then I'll show you the rest of the house, Xavier said. Ok, thanks, Cerria said. Yeah, your welcome, Xavier said. Xavier went to his room to check on his girlfriend who was sleeping peacefully and then kissed her on her check and forehead and tucked her in left and shut the door, he then showed Cerria around the house and then let her go unpack her stuff.

To Be Continued:

Yo, Leo replied. Hi, wassup, Clem said. Why you guys not in the pool, Cerria asked. Because she hates not having a partner to swim with, Leo said. Well, you don't have to be alone anymore I'm willing to try girl on girl if you are, Cerria said as she grabbed Clem by the hand pulling her closer to her. Clem smiles at her. I'm Bisexual we all are lol but ok, Clem said. Clem kisses Cerria on the lips and then check. Let's go swimming, Clem said guiding a fluttered Cerria to the pool. As they got in the pool everyone was silently looking at them surprised that Clem went from hating her to kissing her I mean Cerria was a changed person but they still say it was fucked up for what she did.

Hey, your not a bad kisser, Clem said. Neither are you, Cerria replied. They then started to have a great time swimming and enjoying each others company at the pool and enjoy a very special someones birthday it was about that time to where the food was almost ready and it was a great time to start singing happy birthday to Isabelle so they did everyone gathered around the big birthday cake that kinda looked like a wedding cake but thankfully it wasn't and then Xavier started slowly counting down from three and then they all started singing happy birthday to her happily with smiles on their faces they could've never been anymore happy than they were today because everyone is no longer kids. 

After everyone got done singing happy birthday to Isabella, They went to eat dinner because it was now officially ready so they went inside and grabbed a plate that was siting on the bar that the chef had made for them and went back by the pool and carefully sat next to it with there drinks and food in hand while placing there feet in the water all the couples sat together and chatted while they ate there food and all of a sudden Cerria came up to her to talk.

Hey, Isabella can we talk, Cerria said as she sat next to her. Sure, Isabella replied. How is your birthday so far now that your the big eighteen and all, Cerria asked. It's good we are all finally adults and don't have to worry about anything, Isabella replied. That's cool, well I just wanted to thank you for saving my life and changing it when you didn't have to I was a terrible person back then and i'm sorry for doing all that to you, it was wrong of me and you didn't deserve it and i'm glad we are cool now well I hope we are and I hope we can be friends,Cerria said in a nervous but happy tone. Look, I'm not mad at you anymore Cerria and i'm glad you changed a lot actually we are grown ups i'm not gonna hold what we did in our teen days and of course we can be friends you were always my friend when I saw that you were changing lol I just gave you time to fully love and be yourself and come to me you weren't a bad person you were just not being treated right and all and I understand that I love you we all do and look at what you have a nice girl who could possible be your soulmate in the end treat her nice and you will be happy, Isabella said. Thank you, Cerria said. You welcome, Isabella said hugging her. Cerria hugged her back and then went back to  Clemintine. 

An hour later everyone was done with there drinks and food put everything away, cleaned up a little had there cake and ice cream and then got back in the pool Isabella want to do Marco Polo in the pool with everyone so they did which was a great idea because since she was a wolf she had good hearing not as good considering she could hear very well above water but not so well under that's more of a vampire thing it sucks playing with a hybrid only because they can hear above and below water with no problems.

Cerria took Clemintine inside to get her some water to drink because she drank too much pool water and she said her throat was hurting so Clem sat on the counter while Cerria got her a glass of water.  After Cerria gave her the glass of water she chugged it  like it was some juice. 

Warning Mature Matter ahead:

As she was chugging the water Cerria checked the surroundings sing that the coast was clear so she slid Clem's Bathing suit to the side and started to eat her out which caught Clem by surprise it felt so go so of course Clem started to lightly moan while carefully thrusting her hips so she would fall off the counter  a few moments go by and Cerria finished up with her dirty pleasuring to Clem wiped her mouth and fixed her swim suit and then helped her off the counter  pulling her close placing a kiss on her lips. How was that, it was mt first time doing it too, Cerria said. It was amazing, it felt so good thank you it's been a while since someone has willing done that without me asking them to, Clemintine said. Well, I'm glad it was me who did it I really like you, Your the only girl I want to be with, Cerria said. I feel the same way about you please don't hurt me or make me regret it, Clemintine said. I won't, Claire replied. They shared one more kiss and then went back inside to join the others who are probably wondering where they went and what they were doing and they were ready to explain everything except the part were she literally ate her out on the counter thankfully the chefs clean the counters before they cook on them.

A couple of fun hours later everyone went inside and got ready for the night ... After showering and brushing their teeth and stuff  they all went to Isabella and Xiaver's  room for a night of Netflix and Chill. Hour go By and everyone fell asleep where they lay. The next morning  everyone slept in and  Claire woke them up for a late breakfast.  They all woke up  grumpy and got ready for the day and went downstairs to eat the late breakfast that was made for the sleepy ones that stayed up all night partying. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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