Chapter Twenty-Eight: What's Going On?

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Twilight and all affiliated characters are the property of Stephanie Meyer. I do not own any of the aforementioned characters except Beth and the plot of this story (that is, should it stray from the original Twilight). This story is for entertainment only and is not part of the official storyline. I am not in any way, shape, or form benefiting financially from the publishing of this story on this site and am very grateful for Mrs. Meyer's creation. Besides, if I did own Twilight, I'd be eating food at a five star restaurant everyday.

The Volvo was warm when the girls hopped inside, Edward walking around the hood after closing their doors for them; Beth in the passenger's seat and Bella in the back, headphones blasting music -that even Elizabeth could hear- in an attempt to blo...

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The Volvo was warm when the girls hopped inside, Edward walking around the hood after closing their doors for them; Beth in the passenger's seat and Bella in the back, headphones blasting music -that even Elizabeth could hear- in an attempt to block out whatever conversation might start between the two in the front. The smooth, black leather was cool to the touch despite the warmth being pushed through the air vents and with a soft shut, Edward was then in his seat and starting the car with his key in the ignition. He was parked in the spot normally reserved for the bright, aging, old red Chevy and the driveway seemed oddly bereft without the thunderous monster. The police car that normally parked beside it had already left for the day, ushered off with the assurances of one of his daughters.

It was after he turned onto the main road, windshield wipers squeaked against the windscreen to wipe away the moisture that dripped from the sky, that Beth finally started, "Thank you, for picking us up."

Edward threw her a small crooked grin, and shrugged his shoulders, golden eyes taking in her figure in the seat next to him before flitting back to the road, "It's nothing."

"Do you live near here?" She inquired curiously as she looked out into the expansive greenery that bordered the road they were on. Ever so often she would see a break in the trees and wonder if there was a driveway that led up to the mysterious Cullen house.

"Just on the outskirts of town."

"Just?" she raised an eyebrow. Had he really gone out of his way to pick them up? Granted, it was a small town and everyone either lived about one or two streets away from the main street that all the stores and shops were on or a fifteen minute drive from Forks High so it wasn't that far out of his way. But still, it bothered her a bit more than she realized. Even their dad would have been a better choice to take them to school. Just why did Edward offer to drive them? What had he been hoping to achieve?

Behind them, Bella changed the music to a rock song that Beth remembered in her vague memories of her past life, but could not recall the name of.

"What do you think of the idea of meeting the rest of my family this weekend?" He suggested, shooting her a glance to see what her reaction would have been. They had crawled to a stop at an intersection- the light beaming red as pedestrians made their way across the wet tarmac and his foot finally eased off of the gas he had been hard pressing (something that Beth hadn't missed) since they'd left the Swan residence.

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