Chapter Three: Should've Known

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A/N: Beth's emotions are going to seem a bit all over the place for a while, but you have to understand that everything that took place within the last three chapters has been very trying. So, if you're wondering why she's navigating through all these emotions so quickly, thats why.


Twilight and all affiliated characters are the property of Stephanie Meyer. I do not own any of the aforementioned characters except Beth and the plot of this story (that is, should it stray from the original Twilight). This story is for entertainment only and is not part of the official story line. I am not in any way, shape, or form benefiting financially from the publishing of this story on this site and am very grateful for Mrs. Meyer's creation. Besides, if I did own Twilight, I'd have went to DisneyLand for my birthday.

His absence at school for the past two days was like a gaping hole in her world

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His absence at school for the past two days was like a gaping hole in her world. Beth tried to convince herself that he was simply preoccupied, perhaps assisting Jasper as he grappled with his own inner turmoil. Yet, the sinking feeling in her gut only intensified as the hours dragged on. The growing sense of unease left her with a nagging fear that something much deeper was at play. Even Bella seemed to have erected an emotional barrier between them, leaving Beth to confront her solitude with a heavy heart.

As they finally arrived home, Bella wasted no time in making her escape, bolting into the house without a word. Beth sat in the car for a moment, her fingers gripping the steering wheel as her mind churned with a mix of emotions. The solitude and isolation she felt were becoming overwhelming, and she couldn't shake the feeling that things might never return to normal.

A movement caught her peripheral vision, and without needing to turn, she knew who it was. He was there, a silent presence that seemed to linger in the shadows. Beth let out a sigh, her breath trembling as she finally spoke, her voice laden with a cocktail of emotions.

"Where were you?" Her words were soft, a whisper carried by the wind, but they held a weight that belied their simplicity. It was a question she had been carrying, a question that held the key to unraveling the tangle of emotions that had consumed her since that fateful night. She didn't need to turn to see his face; she could feel his presence beside her, his aura intertwining with her own in a way that was both comforting and disconcerting.

Instead of answering, Edward had merely reached over and opened her door, "Let's go for a walk." It was meant to be a question, that much was obvious, but Beth didn't want to move.

"It's overcast, it'll rain soon." She replied, fingers sliding down the vinyl of the truck. She searched desperately for another excuse, the sinking feeling in her chest pulling her down with every passing second.

"It's always overcast," he retorted, motioning towards the forest with a defeated gesture. Yet Beth held her ground, resolute in her decision to remain in the confines of the truck. Dread seemed to snake its way through her veins, causing a cold numbness to spread.

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