Spreading like Wildfire

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Ma cherie,

I regret how we parted yesterday. We don't tell you our family history for certain reasons. After Mamie died, we all decided that it was for the best. Out of love for you, we have decided that you can pursue your desire to go to Hogwarts.

I understand my grandfather's concerns now though. Perhaps you will now understand them too.

We would be happy if you decide to spend Christmas at home.

Avec tout notre amour,


Evelin looked at the package on the table and felt a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. Her gaze switched between her father's letter in her hand and the tempting package. She was aware that her father was trying to get her on his side and influence her decision. But her curiosity was too great. She couldn't resist opening the package. It was the following diary of her Mamie.

But the breakfast table in the great hall was not the right time to start reading it. She didn't have much time until Professor Snape's class started, and she still had to finish her breakfast. She took her father's package and letter and put them in her bag before finishing the last bites of her cereal.

As she walked past the other Slytherin students at the breakfast table and towards the corridors, she noticed the looks and whispers. Since last night, when she returned from Dumbledore's office, she couldn't ignore the uncomfortable looks. She could feel the mistrust and insecurity that was in the air. Even if her classmates asked her about her incident with the snake or her bush with Professor Dumbledore, she wouldn't have a satisfactory answer for them.

Eventually, she reached Professor Snape's classroom and took her place. She was the first in the room, not even Professor Snape was there. Lost in thought, she prepared her things for today's class. The classroom was still quiet when Professor Snape finally entered. Evelin felt his gaze resting on her, but she couldn't interpret his expression. He looked away just as quickly and began to prepare his lesson.

The other students streamed into the room and took their places. Evelin noticed how Adrian sat down next to her. There was a slight tension in the air when he asked her after a short time: "Can I talk to you after class?" His words sounded uncertain as if he didn't know exactly how she would react to them.

Evelin was surprised that he had spoken to her. It was the first time anyone in her house had wanted to speak to her in days. A small spark of joy flared up inside her. She nodded slightly and answered just as quietly: "Yes, of course."

Classes began, and Snape introduced them to the intricacies of potions. Evelin concentrated on his instructions while occasionally glancing at Adrian.

Time flew by, and before Evelin knew it, the class was over. The other students hastily left the room, but Evelin stayed seated and waited for Adrian to finish packing his things.

She silently followed Adrian out of the classroom, and they walked down the hall together. Adrian looked uncertainly at Evelin as they continued down the aisle. He seemed to be struggling with himself as if trying to find the right words. Sensing his confusion, Evelin decided to break the silence.

She stopped and turned to him. "What exactly do you want to know?" she asked calmly, watching his expression change.

Adrian was struggling with his thoughts and seemed nervous. Finally, he broke the silence and whispered, "You can talk to snakes, can't you?"

Evelin nodded slowly and looked into his eyes. "Yes, that's right," she replied simply.

Adrian swallowed hard and continued, "They said that Salazar Slytherin had this ability as well."

Evelin felt her heartbeat accelerate. She had heard these stories before and read about them in the book Hogwarts: A History, but now that she had this connection to the snakes herself, they took on a whole new meaning.

"I read that somewhere too." was all Evelin got out of her mouth.

A brief, oppressive silence filled the hallway before Evelin spoke again: "Who are 'they'?" She asked carefully after thinking about his words.

"The rest of our year. They also told the rest of the Slytherins what happened after Fynn summoned the snake." Evelin was suddenly able to better understand the looks and whispers from the other Slytherins around her, realizing that knowledge of her ability to communicate with snakes had spread like wildfire.

"I – I don't know if I'm related to Salazar Slytherin," Evelin confessed while lowering her eyes to the floor. The conversation was extremely uncomfortable for her, and Adrian also seemed visibly uncomfortable. He was only sent to speak to her because he had exchanged a few words with her now and then. He just nodded silently in response to her words.

"No one can watch that! Adrian, you only had one job!" Evelin suddenly heard an excited voice behind her. She gave a start and turned to see that Adrian was looking to his right. It was Milli, Evelin's roommate, who approached them.

"Then ask her yourself. After all, she's your roommate," Adrian replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Evelin," Milli apologized, her expression genuinely concerned. "You're always so engrossed in your books. You always seem like you don't want to talk. However, you talk to Adrian now and then."

Evelin nodded silently. She struggled to say anything. Milli came up to her and apologized, and Adrian, even though he had been sent ahead, did his best to speak to her. She realized that she should give them a chance to get to know her better.

"I'm sorry too, I'm very shy, and sometimes I don't know how to talk to you," admitted Evelin shyly. "I try not to always have my books in front of my nose."

Milli and Adrian looked at each other skeptically but eventually decided to believe Evelin. Evelin smiled slightly when she felt a tentative bond develop between them.

"Aaand, what did you talk about at Dumbledor's office yesterday?" Milli asked straight ahead. She looked at Evelin curiously.

"My father heard about the snake incident and freaked out. He wants me to change schools to Beauxbatons." I said quietly.

"Just because of a stupid prank?" Milli asked confused, and raised a brow. Evelin nodded.

"That's what I said as well. I won't change school just because of a stupid boy." The three Slytherins made their way to the Great Hall.

As they entered the Great Hall, Evelin noticed the curious glances from their fellow Slytherins. She could sense the whispers and felt a mix of discomfort and determination welling up inside her.

Milli hooked herself into Evelin's arm "Don't worry about them. They will stop talking about it and forget it soon."

Evelin felt a surge of gratitude for her newfound friends. She took a deep breath and straightened her posture, ready to face the rest of the Slytherin students with confidence.

As they settled down at the Slytherin table, Evelin noticed a group of older students giving her curious looks. She held her head high and met their gaze, refusing to be intimidated.

Throughout the meal, Evelin engaged in lively conversation with Milli and Adrian. They discussed their recent classes, shared tips for studying, and even made plans for strolling the Hogwarts grounds the following weekend.

Curse of the Snake - Diaries of a Legacy | George Weasley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now