Back at Hogwarts

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Evelin observes the new first years as they enter the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony. She sits with her fellow Slytherins on her table, next to her, Milli and Adrian who whisper to each other as they gossip about the new first years.

„Look, Evelin. The blonde one must be the Malfoy boy who was sitting in the compartment next to us. And there - another red hair. Do you think it's the twin's little brother?" Milli excitedly gossips about Fred and Georges's little brother.

"Come on, Milli. Who actually cares? Just let them be." Evelin whispers back and eyes the first years. They always looked so scared, and Evelin tried to remember if she was as afraid and scared as them when she arrived here. Adrian and Milli are pointing out a few other first years who they might know from names, but Evelin keeps quiet. She is mentally back home, thinking about her family and what she figured out so far. She could not wait to go to The Undercroft and try to tie all the knots together.

The Sorting Ceremony begins, and each student goes up to the Sorting Hat to be sorted into their house. The different house tables cheer alternating when a new student attends their table. The Slytherin table got the new students Crabbe, Goyle, Malfoy, and Nott - for now, all boys. They seem to know each other already, and the whole Slytherin table welcomes them. As the name Harry Potter comes up, everybody starts to whisper loudly, especially at the Slytherin table.

„Shut it." Evelin says loudly enough to stop the Slytherin table from being quiet again. Evelin knows what it feels like when everyone talks about someone, and she does not like it. The whole Great Hall is observing Harry Potter to be sorted. In the end, Harry Potter gets sorted into Gryffindor, and their table cheers loudly. Evelin can spot Fred and George shouting "We got Potter! We got Potter!", and could not help but smile and shake her head slightly. They seem to be in very good spirits even after the sorting and are clapping and cheering. Evelin focuses back on Milli and Adrian, grabbing food for her plate. Milli and Adrian keep talking about Quidditch in which Evelin is still not interested. Evelin realizes that someone is tapping on her shoulder, and she turns around to look into George Weasley's face, his brother Fred behind him.

„Hello there. If that isn't our favorite Slytherin. How was your summer?" George Weasley asks her with a big grin and squads next to her. Evelin turns her body to the twins and embraces them with a welcoming hug.

„We didn't see you on the train. Did you start avoiding us now?" Fred Weasley chimes in with a smile as they both talk to Evelin. Evelin smiles back at them and is happy that they approached her.

„My summer was good. And of course, I would never avoid you. I just got engrossed in reading and therefore didn't pay attention to the train compartment."

„She always has her nose in her books." Fred teases Evelin.

„I bet she found new secret passages inside the school. Anything we can explore this year?" George asks with an exciting tone. Evelin grins at George and Fred when hearing that they want to explore the secret passages of Hogwarts more this year.

„Of course. I have been reading a bit over the summer, and I heard that there should be somewhere at least another four passages in the school, which we haven't discovered yet." Evelin says with an excitement in her voice.

„Brilliant!" Fred says excitingly, and George has to hold him back a bit.

„Keep your voice down, Fred." George says with a laugh „You know how stern Evelin is when it comes to her secrets." George winks to Evelin. Evelin grins back to George, and she has to laugh about the teasing of them.

„There are two passages I know about for sure, and I will show them to you. I have a feeling, if we keep looking, we could find even more passages, and the school is still so full of secrets." Evelin whispers to them while making sure that no student is listening to their conversation.

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