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The weak summer sun bathed the in-house library in a warm, golden light as Evelin carefully packed her last books into her school bag. The old leather covers smelled pleasantly of past knowledge, and she looked forward to discovering the stories inside during the new school year at Hogwarts.

Before she could leave the room, Evelin hesitated and turned to the portrait of her Mamie and her husband, Ominis, that hung above the fireplace. The portrait showed her as a young woman and Omnis as a handsome young wizard. The resemblance between Evelin and them was striking, and Evelin couldn't help but wonder who this man was who had such a deep and strong connection to her Mamie.

She stepped closer to the portrait and looked at the faces more closely. Her Mamie's features had gentle eyes and a loving smile. Ominis, on the other hand, with his proud look and charming smile, looked as if he was guarding a secret in the portrait.

It was a pity that this portrait was not magical. Evelin would have asked all sorts of questions if she had had the chance. She would have asked her Mamie about her past, about the history of her family and all the adventures they had had together. And she would have asked Omnis what it was like to be part of Slytherin's descended family and how he dealt with life's challenges.

But the portrait remained silent, and her questions went unanswered. Evelin sighed softly and stroked the frame of the portrait gently. She knew she might never get these questions answered.

With a wistful look, Evelin finally left the house library and packed the rest of her things for the next school year. While arranging her books and clothes, the many conversations between her father and grandfather came back to her mind. The conversations about her family history had been sobering this summer. It seemed as if they were withholding important details from her, and that frustrated her deeply.

Evelin thought back to the moments when she had tried to learn more about her great-great-grandfather, Ominis. First and foremost, whether this was Ominis Gaunt. It was a simple question. But again and again, she was fobbed off with excuses and vague answers. She could feel an impenetrable wall being erected around the subject, and it made her impatient and restless.

Evelin sighed softly and closed her suitcase. She was torn between curiosity and frustration, between the desire for answers and the fear of what she might find out. But one thing she knew for sure: she would not give up on exploring her roots and unraveling her family's secrets, even if it was a challenge.

With a determined look, she left the room and made her way to the garden to read for a while longer and think about all the questions that were bothering her. The sun slowly sank behind the trees, and the warm rays enveloped her like a comforting hug. Evelin couldn't wait to start the new school year at Hogwarts and settle back into the magical life of the school.

The train jolted gently as Evelin sat in her compartment. Milli and Adrian were not with her, they had joined other Slytherins, and Evelin was glad for the silence. She spread her Mamie's three diaries out in front of her and decided to take a close look at them to find out what exactly was different between the three tote books. Somehow she still had the feeling that something was wrong with the diaries, and she wanted to find out what it was.

Concentrated and focused, she read the pages of the diaries. She wrote out some interesting passages, hoping to learn more about the books described in them. Evelin was convinced that perhaps these books held answers.

The compartment door opened with a jerk, and Evelin looked up in surprise. Standing in the doorway were George, Fred, and Lee, who greeted her with big grins.

"Hey, Evelin! We heard you were in here and thought we'd stop by," George said cheerfully.

"Yeah, we want to make sure our favorite Slytherin got through the summer holidays okay," Fred added with a laugh.

Curse of the Snake - Diaries of a Legacy | George Weasley x OCWhere stories live. Discover now