Tegan's Recovery

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So Phoebe decided to keep Tegan in the medical bay for a few more days.

"So Tegan how you feeling"Phoebe asked

"Better but still weak" Tegan said

"Yeah you are but I'm flooding you with Antibiotics and Antibodies to get rid of this virus" Phoebe said

Phoebe left Tegan for abit and when to the console room.

"How's Tegan" The Doctor asked

"Better but weak I'm doing everything I can I'm flooding her body with Antibiotics and Antibodies" Phoebe said

"Right can I ask a favor" The Doctor asked

"Yeah sure what is it" Phoebe said

"I want to make sure this never happens again can you make an vaccine for Nyssa and Tegan" The Doctor asked

"Yes with time I guess could genetically engineer, one for intergalactic virus and stuff I go to the lab" Phoebe said

Phoebe headed to her medical lab it was at the other end of The TARDIS she had her robot dog K9 of course which she Doctor had given her.

"K9 I need your help" Phoebe said

"How can i assist you Mistress" K9 said

"I need to make a vaccine for Nyssa and Tegan to protect from Illness from the universe can it be done" Phoebe asked

"Yes Mistress with time I will do the Maths formula" K9 said

Thanks to the help of K9 Phoebe was able to make a genetically engineered vaccine.

"Doctor I have done I made a vaccine with K9 help" Phoebe said

"Well done it only took you an hour" The Doctor said

"Thanks it will protect them from all virus in the universe right Nyssa roll up you sleeve" Phoebe said

Nyssa rolled up her sleeve and Phoebe gave the vaccine.

"Thank you Phoebe" Nyssa said

"Pleasure I can't give it to Tegan just yet she has to wait 72 hours until she recovered" Phoebe said

"Thank you Phoebe" The Doctor said

"Pleasure look if anyone needs me I'll be in the lab oh and Doctor I fixed our Hostile Action displacement system so she rematerialise somewhere" Phoebe said

"Okay thanks" The Doctor said

Phoebe headed of to her lab it was abit makeshift but I would do after all she did live in a space so she couldn't expect everything to be the best but she had the right equipment and made do with the things she had.

Nyssa knocked on the door

"Come in" Phoebe said

"Wow is this your lab" Nyssa asked

"Yes it bit makeshift but I where I make my medicines and vaccine but it also doubled as the Doctor lab to" Phoebe said

"How do know so much about regeneration because when the Doctor regenerate you seemed to act like it wasn't your first Rodo" Nyssa asked

"Look I have seen the Doctor regenerate four times and the thing is my responsibilities get extended when he regenerates. I have to look after you guys and him at the same time so I do you know what I'm doing. We just have to keep an eye on The Doctor every time we regenerate, so next Reneration he does. I'll be ready again"Phoebe said

"Okay how's Tegan" Nyssa asked

"Getting better speaking of which better see how she doing" Phoebe said

Phoebe headed to the medical bay to check how Tegan was.

"Right Tegan how are you feeling do you feel well enough to take a walk around the TARDIS we need to get you strength up" Phoebe said

"Yes I think I can mange that" Tegan said

Phoebe helped Tegan out of bed there were going to the console room and back.

"Right lean on me if you need to right we are just going to as far as the console room if you completely this walk unaided I might consider dischargeing you from the medical bay" Phoebe said

Tegan made it to the console unaided and Phoebe was happy for her to continue having adventures.

"Right well there is not point in holding you in the medical bay any longer right Doctor Nyssa Tegan is fully recovered for get change" Phoebe said

The life of Phoebe Stocks Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora