New Earth

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Extending the one trip rule The Doctor and Phoebe decided to give Martha one trip into the trip in the future.

"One trip that what we say in the TARDIS then home I suppose we could stretch the definition one trip into the post I want you been to the future how do fancy that" The Doctor said

"No complaints from me"Martha said

"How about a different planet" The Doctor said

"Can we go to yours" Martha asked

"There's plenty of other places" The Doctor said

Phoebe and The Doctor hadn't told Martha about the time war and Phoebe was going to lie on behalf of The Doctor something that she didn't want to do, but she had to protect the actual truth .

"Come on, though. I mean, planet of the Time Lords. That's got to be worth a look. What's it like?" Martha said

"Well, it's beautiful, yeah" Phoebe said

"Is it like, you know, outer space cities, all spires and stuff?" Martha asked

"I suppose it is" The Doctor said

"Great big temples and cathedrals!" Martha said

"Yeah" The Doctor said

"Lots of planets in the sky?" Martha asked

"The sky's a burnt orange, with the Citadel enclosed in a mighty glass dome, shining under the twin suns. Beyond that, the mountains go on forever. Slopes of deep red grass, capped with snow" The Doctor said

"Can we go there?" Martha said

"Nah. Where's the fun for us ? We don't want to go home. Instead, this is much better. Year five billion and fifty-three, planet New Earth. Second hope of mankind. Fifty thousand light years from your old world, and we're slap bang in the middle of New New York. Although, technically it's the fifteenth New York from the original, so it's New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York. One of the most dazzling cities ever built" The Doctor said

"Also Humans are not allowed on Gallifrey if we take you there the Timelords would not be happy you go out Martha I need to have a word with The Doctor" Phoebe said

Martha walked out in New Earth while Phoebe as a word with The Doctor

"What was all that about just tell Martha we are the last of our kind" Phoebe said

"No I want to imagined for abit they are still alive"The Doctor said

"Fine but in case you haven't noticed, I just lied for you" Phoebe said

After 1599 Phoebe change her outfit to this blue skirts white top and blue trainers. She did as she hated wearing the same outfit for so many adventures.

"Thank you I appreciate that but can we just pretend that The Timelords are still alive" The Doctor said

"Yes of course but we have to tell because I'm not crossing our own timeline to take her to Gallifrey" Phoebe said

For Phoebe travelling The universe had changed their was not where she could go were did know her name even since the War she had been dubbed Gallifreyan healer or knew by The Medic of War New Earth was no exception.

New Earth had greatly changed since the last visit Martha was kidnapped shortly after arriving.

"Now what do we do" Phoebe said

"We go after them" The Doctor said

The Doctor and Phoebe chased after them but were to late Martha was put to sleep and bundled into a car.

"MARTHA" The Doctor said

"Great now what"Phoebe said

"Let's go back to those people selling moods and find out what's going on here" The Doctor said

"This is your fault you had to bring her here to the planet we took Rose" Phoebe said

The Doctor and Phoebe found out that Martha had been taken to motorway and there a car sharing policy if your carrying three adults to the fast lane.

"We are getting Martha back" The Doctor said

"I know when we get her and get back to the TARDIS you are going to tell her about the Time war also I could do with a hand with something" Phoebe said

"Help with what" The Doctor asked

"So you know how I have been working on a virus well a cure to a virus" Phoebe said

"Yeah ah here it is the motorway" The Doctor said

"I need you do Finnished the calculations for me when Adric was around he did my own figures aren't has good" Phoebe said

"Okay I take a look the door locked I sonic it" The Doctor said

"Wow there are some many cars her how are we going to find Martha" Phoebe said

"Hey you daft little street Stund what are doing just standing either get out or get in" Branning said

The Doctor and Phoebe get into the car.

"Did you ever see the like? Just standing there, breathing it in There's this story, says back in the old days, on Junction forty seven, this woman stood in the exhaust fumes for a solid twenty minutes. By the time they found her, her head had swollen to fifty feet" Branning said

"Oh, you're making it up." Valerie said

"A fifty foot head! Just think of it. Imagine picking that nose" Branning said

"Oh, stop it. That's disgusting" Valerine said

"What, did you never pick your nose?"Branning said

"Bran, we're moving" Valerine said

"Right in there I'm on it Twenty yards. We're having a good day. And who might you two be, sir? Very well-dressed for a hitchhikers." Branning said

"Thanks sorry I'm The Doctor and this is my daughter Phoebe" The Doctor said

"Hi" Phoebe said

"Medical man! My name's Thomas Kincade Brannigan, and this is the bane of my life, the lovely Valerie" Branning said

Both The Doctor and Phoebe were keen to get Martha back.

Once they realised that Martha had been taken down to the Foss Lane, The, Doctor and Phoebe, realise how much danger she could potentially be in.

DOCTOR: We've got to go to the fast lane. Take Us down.
BRANNIGAN: Not a million years.
DOCTOR: You've got three passengers. Plus on extra
BRANNIGAN: I'm still not going.
DOCTOR: She's alone and she's lost. She doesn't belong on this planet, and it's all my fault. I'm asking you, Brannigan, take us down.
VALERIE: That's a no. And that's final. I'm not risking the children down there.
DOCTOR: Why not? What's the risk? What happens down there?
VALERIE: We're not discussing it. The conversation is closed.
DOCTOR: So we keep on driving.
BRANNIGAN: Yes, we do.
DOCTOR: For how long?
BRANNIGAN: Till the journey's end.

DOCTOR: If you won't take Us, we'll ll go down on our own.
BRANNIGAN: What do you think you're doing?
DOCTOR: Finding our  own way. We usually do.
(The Doctor sonics open a trapdoor in the floor of the car.)
COMPUTER: Capsule open.
(A car stops directly beneath them.)
DOCTOR: Here we go.
(He throws his coat to Valerie.)
DOCTOR: Look after this. I love that coat. Janis Joplin gave me that coat.
VALERIE: But you can't jump.
DOCTOR: If it's any consolation, Valerie, right now, I'm having kittens.
BRANNIGAN: This Martha. She must mean an awful lot to you.
DOCTOR: Hardly know her. I was too busy showing off. And I lied to her. Couldn't help it, just lied. Bye then.
(The Doctor and Phoebe drops onto the roof of the car below)
VALERIE: He's completely insane!
BRANNIGAN: That, and a bit magnificent!

Once The Doctor and Phoebe discovered there was Marca down in the fast lane they knew Martha was in great danger.

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