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Phoebe had been with Torchwood for a few months now an Alien called Adam with the power to change memories infiltrated the team.

He couldn't change any memories of Phoebe because of Timelord ability. However he did try.

"Morning Phoebe what you working on" Adam asked

"Who are you" Phoebe said

"Just because that what I said to you on your first day remember" Adam said

It didn't work for Phoebe when Adam touch her maybe because she a Timelord. But she did find out he's a alien

"What are you?" Phoebe said

As Adam tricked everyone into thinking he was part of the team he did his memories thing with Owen then Tosh the Lanto then Gwen and course Jack.

Phoebe knew that evening that something was wrong when Gwen could remember who Rhys was.

"Gwen why don't you come back with me to the hub I check you over Jack can stay here and take care of things" Phoebe said

Back at the hub Owen gave Gwen a full medical examination.

"There something very wrong one minute Gwen know Rhys next minute she doesn't I'm going to look at CCTV"Phoebe said

Phoebe locked at Torchwood CCTV systems and knew something was off lanto dropped Gwen back to hers Jack when weevil hunting and Phoebe came up with a plan to catch Adam in the act.

Lanto was checking his diary to see who discovered the box.

Jack also discovered what was going on Phoebe had alerted him of her suspicions, he was fully aware of that, and then she showed on the CCTV

Because Phoebe was staying with Jack in the hub she was busy setting up emergency protocols in case of Torchwood downfall.

"What you working on"Lanto asked

"Ok in case of Torchwood downfall I'm installing emergency program one to your software so if Torchwood even goes all Torchwood files and ailen artefacts will transfer to the TARDIS files and artefacts to our storage room. Last thing you need is this technology falling into the wrong hands actually I think I might set it to UNIT" Phoebe said

Phoebe reset the teleport for UNIT HQ just in case

"Hey Phoebe what you working on" Jack asked

"Well I have installed an emergency program onto your system hope you don't mind in case of the downfall all Torchwood files including personal files will be transferred to the TARDIS and all Alien Technology or artefact you have will transported to UNIT HQ" Phoebe said

"That what I call long term planning" Jack said

The next morning Jack put Adam into the vaults Jack told everyone to find the still point Phoebe though of The Doctor giving her her first TARDIS flying lessons

He then gave everyone a short term amnesia pill to forget the last 48 hours.

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