World - Doketa

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A very offensive country. Their goal is world domination.

The Doketian leader has to be the strongest warrior. The leader may choose whether he has an adviser or not. Usually, they choose not to, since advisers usually end up killing them. However, the current leader, Zasha, has one.

Usually, the leader is not a good leader and will need help of the government. That is usually the motive why he had been killed.

There has only been a female leader once. When she ruled, there was peace and they became rich. The leader of the army did not like peace, however. He killed her and was the next leader.

That was when Doketa shrunk to a quarter of its current state. Several warriors tried to kill him, but none succeeded. Doketa lost even more territory. Eventually, all they had was their capital city.

That was when the first leader, Lord Cranon, returned. He merely snapped his fingers and the leader died. With his help, they managed to get back their territory in a few weeks.

After that, he didn't bother to do anything else. He was waiting for someone to challenge him. A few did, but those were just some fools. After a month, Zasha challenged him. Their fight was much longer than most fights. It lasted two weeks, according to the tales. Even after two weeks, they were still alive and fighting. Lord Cranon was impressed. Never before had someone survived this long. Even more impressive was how he was still fighting him and even resisted his instant death. Zasha was surprised too. He was one of the elite soldiers. He could take out an entire army if he wanted to. What he didn't know, was that Lord Cranon was immortal. Invincible. Unbeatable. But perhaps it was because he didn't know that he managed to defeat him. Or it was because Lord Cranon thought he was more than worthy to be the leader. He stopped the fight and made Zasha the first official king. After that, he disappeared. This is how Zasha became the king of Doketa.

Zasha made use of his now-royal blood. He married the daughter of the king of the richest country on the continent. They became their first allies.

Zasha is a unique leader. Thanks to him, Doketa drastically grew in size. And they are still growing.

Some facts about Doketa.

The average time someone is leader: three years.

Shortest time someone was leader: two seconds.

Rule method: the king is the ruler of his land, but he makes several districts and finds someone who lives in that area who seems to be a good leader-type to be its leader. This way, he avoids corruption - they don't steal their own money - and makes sure the leader will improve the place and keep its people happy. He also avoids rebellions and revolutions this way. If the people have a problem with their district leader, they can vote to get another leader. If 59% or more of the people vote to get a different leader, Zasha will find another leader. If they are still unhappy about the leader, they are allowed to make suggestions. This rarely happens, but it has happened. When the leader knows they will not be able to rule their district any more - albeit by age, disease, or anything else - they can choose the next district leader.

Racism doesn't really happen in Doketa. This is because only about 7% of the Doketians are full-blood Doketians. The rest of the Doketians used to belong to a different country. Full-blood Doketians are huge, strong, hairy people. Typically Doketian are the ice-blue eyes. Most of them have blond hair or some lighter colour. Zasha allowed them to live in tribes.

While they are rumoured to have rules that allow raping women, this is not true. In fact, they are one of the few countries in which their rights are equal. Zasha respected the female leader. In a way to honour her, he gave them equal rights.

Zasha has an excellent nose for corruption. When he catches a corrupt leader, no one ever hears of him again.

The use of offensive will-power is forbidden.

You need a special licence to use alchemy. You will have to redo the test every year to see if you still have the right knowledge to safely use alchemy.

Mana-magic is forbidden for the common people. When someone is known to possess the ability to use mana-magic, they will be killed on sight.

Most of their buildings are made of grey bricks.

The way he rules the country is by using multiple leaders. He divides his territory in districts. Each districts has one leader. This leader has to have the support of at least 42% of the district's inhabitants. If 59% or more are unhappy with the current leader, he will lose his position and the king will choose a new leader. If they are unhappy about the choice, they are allowed to make a suggestion.

That said, it is possible for one person to get a leader fired, even if the leader has 99% of the district's support. This once happened. The leader used brainwashing-methods. Fortunately, one of them happened to be immune. When he told the king about what was going on, he got an important jobs in the government and his home-district got a new leader.

Back to the main politics. To make sure there wouldn't be a war between districts, Zasha made some district-groups (he calls them 'provinces'), consisting of districts with similar culture, ideas, and/or demography. Each province had a province-leader. He has to be neutral. He was basically the host of all the meetings. He made sure that all the district-leaders followed the rules.

Every quarter-year, all of the provinces would go to a meeting, in which the king was the host. This was the only time a province-leader didn't have to be neutral. They had to defend their province's ideas. The district-leaders would be there as well. These were the important meetings where the most important decisions were made. Country-wide laws could be made here. Of course, it was the king who you would have to convince. No one else really mattered. This, too, was to avoid internal conflicts. This way, provinces and districts could harmlessly disagree with each other, since they didn't have to convince each other. They only had to convince the king.

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