World - Tatsoka

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A very defensive country. Their full name is the United Kingdoms of Tatsokian's Faith, but they often use the term Tatsoka. They have the ultimate defence. When Doketa declared war upon them, they freaked out and bought millions of battleships. They literally made a wall of battleships around their land (that's roughly 2000 km, or rouhly 1240 miles). After ten years of war, Doketa understood that they could never win against Tatsoka. When Tatsoka offered a peace treaty, however, they refused to sign it.

"When fighting against a foe like Tatsoka, you do not want peace. You want to help each other. Not as allies, but as friends", were Zasha's famous words. In the end, they made a defensive pact, which basically meant that Doketa would help Tatsoka out in wars, and Tatsoka would help Doketa out in wars. Tatsoka became their main source of weapons and Doketa became their main source of coal and stone.

Tatsoka used to have zillions of tribes. Of those tribes, five were the strongest. The tribe of water, the tribe of heat, the Tribe "Made of Sand", the mysterious Tribe in the Mists, and the Tribe of Faith.

The Tribe in the Mists owned the northern island. Sometimes, they went to the main island to help some smaller tribes. They were gone before the smaller tribes could thank them.

The Tribe of Water was a huge tribe which owned most of the beaches. They seemed to be peaceful fishing traders, but when they are attacked, they use an ancient spell to make it rain. The rain won't stop until the stop-spell is used. That will cause a flood, which is great for the water tribe. They are very skilled at water combat. Their camps are made to float on the water. No one could defeat them by attacking them. That said, they are very bad at attacking other people.

The Tribe of Heat. The first tribe to use steel. They weren't interested in anything other than the mines. They only attacked other tribes to get more mines. They burned tribes down when needed. No one dared to attack them. The way they used fire, and sometimes even lava, was terrifying.

The Tribe "Made of Sand" was the first tribe to use golems. They enchanted the sand to defend their tribe or to attack other tribes. They could make almost anything of sand. Thanks to that, they survived almost everything.

The Tribe of Faith was perhaps the strongest of all tribes. They had made a huge tower. Around that tower, they made a city. They stored their knowledge in there. They always knew their faith. Their city was made of pure mana. No one ever attacked them. That was because a dragon lived there. The dragon had lain an egg and protected that egg. She trusted the tribe of faith.

Hundreds of peaceful years passed and nothing really happened. Until... A ship arrived, filled with elves and some Kyn slaves. They invaded several south-eastern tribes. The five biggest tribes didn't accept this. The Tribe of Heat because they feared they were after the mines, the Tribe of Water because they invaded some of their trading friends, the Tribe "Made of Sand" because of their sense of justice, the Tribe in the Mists because they failed to defend them, and the Tribe of Faith because they had slaves, which they didn't accept. They were immediately wiped out and the slaves were set free. They started their own tribe somewhere close to the tribe of faith.

The dragon warned them. The sky would fall down. Trusting the dragon, they evacuated the area. The tribe-leader stayed in the highest chamber of the tower and refused to leave. The dragon tried to save him, and that would be her undoing. A meteor fell down and hit the tower. At that moment, something weird happened. The tower and the city disappeared, including the tribe-leader and the dragon. A huge crater was all that was left. But, at the bottom of the crater, a crystallised dragon egg was found. The next day, it started to rain, making a lake in the crater. The water made it possible for trees to grow there. Soon, the crater was known as Crystallake, because of the crystal dragon egg in it. The Tribe of Faith changed their name to the Tribe of Crystallised Faith.

The crystallisation was spreading. A thin layer of crystal was found on the water. It looked like ice, but it was warmer and stronger. After a year, it stopped, but it had already covered the entire forest. The Forest of Purity.

The Tribe of Crystallised Faith becomes a kingdom. The four other tribes soon follow. Some other tribes try to do this too, but they are soon defeated, either by war or by civil war.

To avoid huge wars, the five strongest kingdoms decide to become allies. To avoid civil wars, they also decided that each kingdom needed one peasant, chosen by its people, to help with ruling the country.

Two boats arrived. One from the north, one from the south. The northern boat was filled with dwarves, the other with elves and a handful of Kyn. None of them wished any harm. They just wished to live close to the crystals.

Some facts about Tatsoka.

While laws about magic vary for each kingdom, it is forbidden in each kingdom to use mana-magic. It will be punished by death.

Every kingdom has their own special, unique unit(s).

More coming soon.

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