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A young boy and his grandfather play in the field. A field scattered with flowers a blooming.

            "Never trust the Dhalia my son. Watch as friends fall and lines become blurred. We Sorenson's will forever be the greatest feared!

We come in quiet as they say, and we slay everyone who comes in our way. Never forget this Jesse. Ill never forget grandfather!"

Of course this was spoken in Italian and I cant get the translator to work, so you get the jist in English.

Jesse watches from his spot on the recovery couch in the corner of Carlotto's Eridanus Office. Carlotto is fixated on how he can entry way to the Ekati. More men arrive and they begin to take orders and directions from Carlotto sending them out into the forests along the crashing waters up from the rocks. Gino and Andre now have their own crews and Cotta is overindulging himself in the wine this evening. With Twain being locked up due to some obsession the Alderman has, Carolotto isn't seeking out the remaining Tivoli, instead he is determined to get to the Diamond Mines. The troops go out to destroy the earth amidst the rain.

Jesse pulls out an old piece of paper, it has an H on it. He fades back into his memories; "Hold this and never let it go my boy". Says a crying grandfather on his death bed) a young Jesse is taken away by his parents to never see his Poppi again. When he was alone later the piece of paper held a spiral map on its behind, it took years for Jesse to figure out what it meant.

Two years ago at Marek's Wedding, Jesse figured out that the H, meant Hewinson. He also figured out more than he bargained for at that party, but he got what his family held secret for many years in the palm of his hand.

Talita watches as Sabastian lets his friends know that they have to take back some of the businesses including Myron's Bakery! Paulo hands red masquerade masks to put on under the town crier black hat to: Fox, Trevor, Henrique Jesper myself and Cara! I felt honored yet scared. Mr. Leeds came to us and let us know we didn't have to do anything; we were doing enough. Cara though, well she was eager and so I joined her. A weak Greg Bates stood up and asked if he could help? Mr. Leeds went to him and asked him if he was going to be ok to do this, while Fox came up and demanded loyalty!

"Listen bud, you are weak and you are not trustworthy. Why should we allow you to help us? Why do you care, you only came cause they called you what's in it for you Fox? Enough guys, Henrique what do you think? If Gregory feels like he can stand his own we can help him. (Paulo chimes in-) How do we know though about trust here Leeds? Well, Henrique found him buried alive by the Cotta clan, I reckon he just may want revenge. Revenge, oh how sweet the sound (Talita says)

Right there and then the Criers became officially known!

We all went out and began to take back what was proud fully owned by friends of the CG.

Carlotto gets warned that people now known as the Criers have begun to take back some of the shops acquired by him. He fumes and decides to go out there to find the leader on his own!

Jesse takes this time to focus on his mission and makes a phone call to his Sole Proprietor. TJ picks up the phone and this reveals to the audience that TJ works for Jesse Sorenson. "Where do you stand on figuring out who the Tivoli is? I haven't gotten anywhere, other than this damn company that apparently also now has coasters in all the local hangouts. I'm going to need you to go too the Hewinson tonight TJ. Tonight? Why? I need you to do a little research so to speak. (TJ is comfortably in his hotel suite provided by Sorenson about to engage in some paid services of a young couple) I am busy Jesse, it'll have to wait man. It wont wait TJ, put your pants on and do as I ask. FUCK man, always such a cock block!"

You see Jesse and TJ were old school chums back in Ronaldo Flats before they moved onto their separate lives of greed. Jesse proceeds to explain the map and it being the Diamond Mine, its entry way lay in the Hewinson!

Seems everyone has their own agenda, at this very moment Flora and Jenny debate which side to truly play for before they strike out on their own. The launderer and the dead heiress also seeking revenge.

MYRON'S BAKERY 159 Cheltenham 9:45pm

            Sabastian sits there eating some pie as the new hostess barely greets him and attempts to over charge for the pie she didn't make

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            Sabastian sits there eating some pie as the new hostess barely greets him and attempts to over charge for the pie she didn't make. "Its Cherry, think of it as you're getting lucky buddy" She says with an ill kind of Texas tone. Sabastian picks at the pie. The Jukebox comes on and its Joan Jett's 'I Love Rock 'N Roll' As Sabastian waits for the fireworks of the night, he gets caught in a daydream. "Saw him standing there by the record machine, knew he had to be about seventeen" These lyrics, his imagination runs wild as he thinks of Huck standing there smoking a cigarette. Sabastian gets up and asks him to dance. "knew it wouldn't be long, till he's with me yeah ME" Huck takes a swig of whiskey, his favorite brand neat in a tumbler. He offers Sabastian the other glass. Sabastian replies I cant drink, I wouldn't be me YEAH ME echoes in his head. "Where we can be aloneeeeeeee"

Sabastian is forced out of his daydream with the sudden arrival of the new goons coming to be sure their favorited local Jewish establishment or the gold mine some would say, was still in their possession. They begin to terrorize the people in the bakery and they all get up and rush out. All except Sabastian.

            "Awe boys leave him be, he's the local professor didn't ya know. (The hostess smiles as she pours herself a whiskey and pours one for Sabastian as well. She slides it down the countertop) Glenfiddich 50 year, its his favorite brand (Sabastian says with a pause at the end while staring at the drink) Listen professor get on out of here, before we teach you a lesson about proximity (says the Goon who shot Jane) Alright!"

            With that Alright, Sabastian sucks back the whiskey and instantly feels the burn. Without a flinch he pulls out his gun from back pocket and shoots the goon dead. Then the next guy and the guy after that. The three henchmen lay dead, and Sabastian turns to the hostess with a grin only seen to once naysayers of the professor's past. "You wanna taste the bullet bitch, its just as harsh as a cherry. Heck it'll even POP likes its your first time you redneck Texan whore- GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE and tell no one what you saw or ill find your worthless pathetic imitation of womanhood and ill gut you like the smell you are!"

The Hostess was gone like the wind! 

Fox and Paulo show up, and asses the situation. Fox goes to Sabastian to see if anyone saw him? He tells him some Texas whore, but she wont talk. "

Someone leak it to the Alderman that his wife's killer is dead, I need to get back to the compound!"

Just like that a deadly new pissed off version of Sabastian is born.

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