Dear Diary

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"I decided to move all of our stuff into the new Tivoli Grande. Eddie and Joey have accumulated so many toys over the last few months, it's seriously crazy.
I picked up Eddie's turtle yesterday and it reminded me of when Adam dropped him off. He had to remind me of how much he loved his Murtle, mama's turtle.  Then I think of Mickie, Adam's libido and that life and I'm brought right back.

          Yet here I am, travelled across the island to be sure he was ok. Guided by this amazing man in Noel, yet now he too is making sure Adam's ok. I'll always love Adam. I'm falling in love with Noel, but have i put me and the boys, Adam's boys in danger again?
       Am I wrong to be scared for all of us? Am I making the same mistakes and involving Noel now too?
Oh and I missed my period."

"I remember back in Swarcliffe, the condo we purchased. Modest, yet quaint. Fresh into your teaching degree and I knocking back accounts in the big leagues.
You and I had parties every weekend, we had the best friends the life the hope of this fantastic future.
I drank to much, and you joined me. I let it control me, and today I have chains as a weapon of choice. You chose sobriety!
      You chose to leave.
               I ended up here, and there you were.
Changed and existing a whole new demeanour. Your friends died because of your choices, your world changed as did mine and somehow we became enemies.

You fucking died!!!

I rescued you in a way where you feel again. Sabastian I know you're in there I can fucking feel it when we touch.
    I am pouring my heart out in a fucking WATTPAD short story that no one will read because I need to vent about how much I want to rebuild what we had.
         I love you. I'll make it right this time!"

"It's weird growing up in this city.
     I've watched my dad turn into someone I don't even recognize. We have no family other than all his friends who, well have played a big part in my upbringing. Jade is nice, I'm happy dad found her. Uncle Fox is cool. Even Lincoln's brother is pretty bad ass.
I was helped onto the bud today by a man in  white suit. He told me I was the prettiest little girl in town. I'm not stupid, he definitely isn't a friend of my dad's or our makeshift family. He called himself the Alderman.
      He looked villainous in all white. He also gave Cooper Matthews this odd treasure chest toy. When he opened it on the bus it had a map and on the map it was marked with a man dressed as some sort of jungle man named daddy!

Cooper, is new in town and stays with this family down Cheltenham street. There's something mysterious about him and now with this map, Lincoln and I have agreed to help him find whoever daddy is!
    We shall leave at sunset Friday night, it'll be a super cool adventure!"

"Dear diary,
      It's been four years since you died Papa. I refused to let you corrupt my kids. Then we became in danger when you were murdered. Adam comes and somehow this renegade helps me feel again after a very long time.
     He is there for me and the kids and promises me our family will be ok.
Dawson gets sucked into a cult, Daisy leaves home without a trace and Adam gets trapped by yet another one of your enemies. I fucking travel across the island to find my son. Adam is here searching for answers about your death. Adams world is brought here and now his babies are at risk.

Bartolozzi Business, it's all encompassing. Who was Olivia Orthonos to you?
Did Phideaux take you out and put this upon Dawson?
Guess what papa, I won't let any of this go. I'm going to take this business and put it to bed once and for all!
I'm done you hear me!!
I am fucking done!!! You keep taking from me and all this ALL OF THIS has done nothing but hurt me my whole life!
    I shopped the twins off somewhere I know they'll be safe. I'm about to make a big move and not even Adam will know. I will end this. I also will never forgive you for any of this..
     Your daughter Janelle"

" All around me are familiar faces worn out traces of you. I feel very nervous, excited and angry too. All the money in the world can't cure this sadness without you.
(Plays the piano like a pro)
Happy Birthday ,Happy Birthday!!!
( wanders from the piano. Stares out the window and looks at the darkness of night)

Empty. All around. Tu stayed to watch over me. Mason also lives here in secret and Sorrel the contractor who built HIS new home.
  There is no searching books. No hidden clues. Desperation pours out of me and you don't even recognize me. You left me unwillingly and I'm pieces on the floor of a place everyone else left too.

Ferris wheel of fire. Haunted house all the makings of a circus and I believe I am the clown.

(Twain picks up a tourniquet, a syringe a spoon and his lighter. He cowers in a corner and mumbles some of Trevor's heavenly secrets that tore us all apart. He injects himself with drugs for the first time.
He whispers as he deepens into ecstasy don't leave me this way....)

"I'll keep this for myself.
You throw away the key and don't get attached!
   (Phideaux instructs as he hangs up the phone)
Henry will have to wait. Much like Lexingburg drowning, I think it's time to erase all the evidence of Arturo's business. A little reminder of who really is in charge!

  (Phideaux opens his desk drawer and retrieves a device with a switch on it.
The Golten Marine where the Bartolozzi Business HQ is in Connors Island City, explodes as Finn and Angela are seen rushing from its entramce!
   Phideaux drops the device and is in utter horror as the love of his life almost died again!

He flashes back to when he created the boat crash which stranded Angela and her two sons off the shore of CI City. Phideaux had just killed his best friend by throwing him into a well, he then crashes the family boat causing amnesia for Angela and throwing baby Stavros (Tom) into Leck Creek to hopefully drown!

Angela gets up off the cement with Finn by her side. Phideaux crumbles as he sees his love kiss the son of his other best friend!

Adam gets a phone call and is informed of the Marines destruction.
Someone has declared war!

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