chapter 8 : i like your eyes

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It was very early in the morning and Beomgyu couldn't sleep anymore. He felt bored but it was too early to get out of his room. He decided to climb to Taehyun's room through the window to see if he's still sleeping. He opened it and carefully crawled out. He saw gardeners underneath him so he tried to be as quiet as possible. When he finally got to Taehyun's balcony he saw him reading the book he borrowed him. Beomgyu knocked on the door and Taehyun looked at him in shock. He got up fast and opened the door for Beomgyu.
"What are you doing? How did you get here?"
"I climbed here all the way from my room. I'm bored and I can't sleep anymore so I wanted to see what you were doing."
"I was reading the book you gave me."
"I know, I saw you. How is it? Do you like it?"
"I'm in the fifth chapter. It's good so far."
"That's nice."
Beomgyu checked Taehyun out many times because he looks tiny in his pajamas.
"Can I ask you something, Beomgyu?"
"Of course."
Taehyun sat on his bed and opened the book.
"Why are some of the sentences marked like this?"
Beomgyu sat next to him and looked at the book.
"Some people do this when they find some parts important or interesting."
"Really? Don't you feel sorry for ruining the book though?"
"It's mine so."
"True. What are we going to do after we finish all the lessons today?"
"Don't worry, I've thought about it already."
"That's a surprise."
"Come ooooon. Tell me please."
"Beomgyuuuu. Pleaaaase!"
Beomgyu chuckled at Taehyun's begging because he found it cute how he wants to know so desperately.
"You will see."
Taehyun frowned and hit Beomgyu with the book.
"Hey! What was that for?"
"For not wanting to tell me."
Beomgyu sighed and looked at Taehyun.
"I want to have a picnic with you in the garden and we can collect some flowers and then press them. Something like a botany lesson."
"That is so nice of you. I can't wait."
"But it's no longer a surprise."
"I don't care, I don't really like surprises anyways."
"Yes. I wouldn't lie to you."
Beomgyu smiled and didn't really know what to say. He just laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
"Sorry but I think you should go, you could get in trouble for being here."
"Mmmm... I want to be here with you."
"That's sweet and I appreciate it but I just don't want you to-"
"So you want me to leave?"
"No! I never said I want you to go."
"So i'm staying here."
Taehyun sighed and smiled at him.
"Stay, please."

They were lying next to each other for one more hour until a servant knocked on the door. "Are you up, prince?" a lady asked.
"Yes, come in." said Taehyun. She entered the room and Beomgyu immediately caught her eye. "What are you doing here, prince? How did you even... " Beomgyu just smiled broadly and waved at the lady. "... Anyway, breakfast is almost ready." Taehyun nodded and the lady left the room. "You see? I didn't get into trouble."
"Yet. My parents don't know about it now."
"I'm not afraid of them, don't worry."
"Hmm... go change, I'll meet you in the dining room."
"Okay. See ya."
Beomgyu came a bit late and to his surprise Taehyun's parents and his grandma were there, too.
"Uhm... good morning everybody."
"Good morning. Have a seat." said the queen.
"Okaaay... am I in trouble?"
"What?" asked the king. "Why would you be in trouble? Did something happen?"
"No, but the way you said it seemed like it."
"No, no. Don't worry. We're having breakfast with you today because we're leaving early."
"Where are you going?" asked curious Beomgyu.
"Some bussiness stuff. Nothing special." replied the king.
"I see. When are you going back?"
"In the evening."

In the afternoon when all the lessons ended Beomgyu took a blanket and a bowl of fresh fruit from the kitchen that the servants prepared for the two princes.
They walked to the garden and placed the blanket into a shadowy corner formed by a hedge.
"So... I took three books about flowers from my home and I found a few in your library as well."
"Nice. And what is that?" Taehyun pointed at Beomgyu's sort of diary where all his pressed flowers are. He opened it and showed everything to Taehyun.
"Woah. That's really cool."
"I know right. And today I'd like to fill some of the blank pages. I hope we will find some nice flowers here. And that's not everything... I have an empty diary for you because I thought maybe you could get interested in this."
"That's so nice of you. Thank you."
"That makes me glad. Take some book and look for flowers you find interesting, we can then try to look for them."
"Sure thing."
They were slowly eating all the fruit and flipping through the pages but Taehyun didn't seemed to be that impressed by any of them, he found everything pretty.
"This is so boring, sorry Taehyun. Let's put the books away and come with me."
"Where do you want to go?"
"Let's lay on the grass and look for some flowers like that, it's better then going through the books."

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