chapter 10 : parents' shitty ideas

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It was weekend morning and Taehyun was helping Beomgyu collect bugs for their joke. On the weekends the gardens weren't guarded much. The teapot was almost filled completely and they took it to Beomgyu's room to hide it.
"Nice, now we just have to unscrew her chair."
"How are we going to do that though?"
"We need to distract her or something. How often does she leave her room on weekends?"
"Not much to be honest, she loves to relax."
"I see... hmm... you could make up some lie and take her somewhere and I will quickly do all the job."
"What lie?"
"I don't know, that you're struggeling with something? You could ask her for help."
"And what if I faked a fall? I'll shout, she's for sure going to come after me."
"That sounds nice, just don't hurt yourself."
"I won't."

They waited until Mrs Nam's noon tea time and quietly sneaked to the hall away - to the door of her room.
"I will hide behind the curtain. You can start, but please really be careful."
"No worries. But it has to make a noise, too. I don't want to hit myself too hard."
"Hmmm... see that table? Go pass it and throw the wooden thing on the ground."
"I got you."
Taehyun showed him thumbs up and he began. The noise wasn't loud but it wasn't silent either. She immediately rushed out of her room and help Taehyun get up.
"Taehyun! Are you okay? What happened?"
"I tripped over the leg of that table and fell..."
Beomgyu nodded at him and quietly entered her room.
"And are you okay?"
"Yes, yes I am. Just... can you please help me get over there to sit down?"
"Of course! Take me hand."

Meanwhile Beomgyu changed the teapots and unscrewed the chair. He was very fast and managed to finish his job before Mrs Nam came back. He hid behind the curtain again and waited for her to close the door. Taehyun came back to Beomgyu and they gave each other high-five.

Mrs Nam sat on her chair that was holding onto its dear life. She then opened the teapot and insect started climbing her hands and flying around. That made her so scared that she flinched and that movement made the chair fall apart.
She got up angrily and opened the door. Boys were standing there in the hallway laughing loudly. But the laugh stopped once they noticed Mrs Nam.
"YOU! I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT HAVE CHANGED BUT I GUESS IT'S JUST IN YOUR BLOOD." she said really angrily and then she looked at Taehyun.
"And you, Taehyun? What is this? Why did you do that? You're a good boy. You don't do bad things."
He lowered his head and apologized to her.
"It was a joke, why are you so angry?" asked Beomgyu.
"No buts. Go to your room. Both of you. We will see each other in the afternoon together with your parents and I forbid you to be together until then. Get it?"
"Yes, Mrs Nam. I'm really sorry..."
She looked at Taehyn with sad eyes because she really loves him and she knows this wasn't his idea.
"Just go... okay?"
They went upstairs together and Beomgyu felt so bad and embarrassed.
"Look, Tae. I'm so so sorry, I was... I-... "
He was close to crying because he got Taehyun in trouble but Taehyun gave him a hug.
"This wasn't your intention, don't be sad or angry. Even though we're in trouble, I don't really mind as long as we're in it together."
He broke the hug and Beomgyu kept staring at him and a faint smiled appeared on his face. "I... I guess people are right. I just misbehave so much, it's getting too far."
"This is who you are. Plus we're still kids."
"I know but it brings no good. I guess I should throw my childhood away and really start working on myself. It's for the best."
"Do what you think it's right but please PLEASE don't force yourself into anything. I love you the way you are."
"You are the only one. I feel like I need to be perfect for people to love me and accept me... "
"Nobody's perfect."
"You are."
"No, I'm not. Everyone's got something. You have more knowledge in nature, I have more knowledge in etic. I wish to be like you so bad but everyone is special in their own way."
"I don't know what I'd do without you."
Taehyun smiled and patted his shoulder.
"I'm going to my room now. We will see each other later... "
"Don't leave me."
"We did something bad, this is the least we can do. Listen and be good boys."
"Okay... see you."

Beomgyu sadly went to his room and laid on his bed. He was staring at the ceiling thinking about what he's done. He couldn't forgive himself for getting Taehyun into trouble.

After some hours past, Taehyun knocked on his door. "Let's go, Beomgyu."
Beomgyu got up and followed Taehyun. When they got there, Taehyun's parents were already standing there beside Mrs Nam. Taehyun and him stood in front of them and waited. The king cleared his throat and said: "I asume you guys are aware of what you've done." The princes nodded. "I have to be honest, I truly wasn't expecting this from you, even after what your parents told me. But I wasn't expecting this from you at all, Taehyun." said the queen in disappointed voice. "Beomgyu, you have a bad influence on Taehyun." she added.
"I know... I'm very sorry. And I want to apologize to you too, Mrs Nam."
"I accept your apology" she said.
"However, even though you both really disappointed us, we're not sending you back home, Beomgyu. We really want to help you to be a good prince. That's why me and my husband came up with an idea."
"Oh shit, here we go again..." thought Beomgyu.
"We're listening, mother."
"We've decided to arrange a ball."
Beomgyu looked at them with eyes wide open.
"And?" asked Taehyun.
"We've invited many, many people. Including princesses Chaeryeong and Ryujin."
"WHAT?" they both said at the same time.
"Yes, you heard us right." said the king.
"We talked about this with your parents, Beomgyu. And we all want to get you and the princesses together. Having a partner might he beneficial for both of you. Especially for Beomgyu in terms of good behaviour." he added.
"That's... that's so-"
"Watch your mouth, Beomgyu." said Mrs Nam.
"Yes, sorry..."
"The ball is on the 1st August. You have half a month to train the dance. Mrs Nam will be your teacher."
"Uh... I can't dance." said Beomgyu nervously.
"What? You're telling us that you've never been to a ball?"
"I always ran away, I hate those things."
"Well, this time you won't do that. I'll make sure." said Mrs Nam with a wide smile.
"That's wonderful. Let's forget about what happened. We can fix everything with the ball."
"Cool. Is that everything, mom?"
"Yes. But two hours of dance trainning has been added to your schedule."
"That's truly magical... " said annoyed Beomgyu.
Taehyun looked at him with a faint smile.
"Now you two are free. The trainning starts tomorrow." said the queen and both her and king walked away leaving the princes alone. Mrs Nam quickly catched up on them afterwards.

Beomgyu sighed and leaned against the wall.
Taehyun walked toward him with a smile and kept looking at his face.
"It's gonna be fun, trust me."
Beomgyu looked at him with a disgusted face.
"You know me Taehyun and for me it's going to be a torture, surely not fun. This is far from my definition of fun." he said pissed off.
Taehyun looked down with a smile.
"We'll see. I'm going to bed now, so... see you tomorrow." he smiled as he said that and waited for Beomgyu's response.
Beomgyu sighed and nodded. "Goodnight, Tae."

Taehyun went to his room and soon after that Beomgyu did the same. He laid down on the bed and kept staring at the ceiling rethinking his life decisions. "Are they really gonna make me marry Ryujin?" he said to himself. He was very terrified of that though because he just doesn't love her that way and he might he fond of somebody else...

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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